AOC and I were traumatized on Jan6, and we ask
why were we not protected and others were?
Sen. Chuck Schumer recalls the Capitol rioters shouting, ‘There’s the big Jew, let’s get him’ 
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry thanks White House Pressgender Jen Psaki for remembering the Lame Cherry i the trauma which was suffered here over Ja6.. One can always rely on the thoughtfulness and kindness of Ms. Psaki, in almost being Christian in her compassion.
PSAKI: January 6th "is still a trauma for many people who lived through this day, journalists included."
— (@townhallcom) January 6, 2022
The Lame Cherry though in mirroring the big hearted example of Jen Psaki in caring about all who suffered and still suffer from Jan6, is puzzled by something in this trauma as there was trauma as democrats would never lie. The thing is, there is a Newsweek story which explained that for days teh Department of Justice and the FBI coordinated wit the Pentagon, in deploying murder units all around the Capitol. Newsweek stated that they were in House and Senate offices across from the Capitol too. They were even with Vice President Mike Pence, urging him to flee, which would have caused Joe Biden to remain uncertified. Why the DOJ, FBI and Pentagon were intent on not having Joe Biden certified is something which should be addressed, but first we must surround those with love and healing who were traumatized by Jan6.
It is this stuff though in the following quote that is troubling to me in my sufferig Jan6 trauma. I will meet you on the other side and see if you see the problem.
Let’s pause to remember the trauma that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez felt a year ago today. It was reported by Newsweek that insurrectionists had entered her office where she was hiding in the bathroom, except she was in an entirely different office building from the Capitol. And it was security who was knocking on the door of her office, which no one entered, it was revealed. People pounced on Rep. Nancy Mace after she said that insurrectionists were never in the hallway where Ocasio-Cortez’s office was. Still, AOC went on Instagram and announced, “I thought I was going to die …. I did not know if I was going to make out of that day alive.”
OK, I remember Gender Ocasio Cortez story as the Lame Cherry covered it, and asked the question then, why was it that it seemed AOC was being set up for harm by Speaker Pelosi to remove her. None of us wanted the future president, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez harmed and yet we all know she was traumatized.
We also know the greatest Consevative in the Senate, Charles Schumer in his memories of that traumatizing day, was yelled at by FBI paid assets in being 'the Big Jew" and that they were trying to get others to "get him".
What the Lame Cherry is puzzled by is, Newsweek said there were armed federal police with assault weapons, there were snipers ready to mass kill Trump supporters, for White men of privilege like Vice President Mike Pence, but according to the personal stories of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Charles Schumer, a tan skin and a Jew skin, no one from the DOJ, FBI or the Pentagon sent any forces to protect Puerto Ricans or Jews from mob violence.
Why is it that the DOJ, FBI and DOD did not protect minorities? John Thune was protected. Liz Checny was protected. Why was it that only White privilege was protected like Speaker Pelosi.
Why were Jews and Latins left exposed on Jan6?
As Jen Psaki has a big heart, let us hope that she includes these Jews and Latins with the rest of us who have suffered trauma who did not get protection from kill squads deployed that day.
Nuff Said.