Tuesday, January 18, 2022

That Mice Poop Virus

 Lt. Karen Woke reports:

It is guano excrement full of blood virus extraordinaire 
from the genus Micety Chinaman with a DOD exclaimer
on it "Wash hands before touching the Fauci genitalia".

Hemorrhagic fever is a common infectious disease in northern China. Starting from October every year, some areas of Shaanxi enter the high incidence season of hemorrhagic fever.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you read this story, just remember that Steve Bannon, took over Breitbart after the founder was assassinated, over information which would have brought down Birther Hussein Obama, and Bannon protected Barack Obama as Bannon is part of the DOD overthrow of the United States with MI6.

We have been hearing that the monkey virus, Marburg is going to be the next Covid with blood letting, mirroring the reports of the vax is causing people to bleed. When the Lame Cherry reported this, that story was removed as the examination was dealing with what the future projections would be, as much as the stories of Greys and Immortals was censored from this site.
Now Dr. Robert Malone, the genius who was there at the the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and raises people from the dead has been on Steve Bannon's platform spreading DOD Mockingbird stories. This helpful in revealing which platforms are funded from where.

As you have read from the above quote Hanta viruses are a seasonal reality in north China. In the Malone report below, we now have Hanta as a bioweapon crossed wtih Covid and the Chicoms are hiding it all.

We now have a hodgepodge of every virus is an Ebola and all are going to bleed you out and China is the enemy. Yes China is the enemy, but the reality is Hanta virus are rodent virus. America has outbreaks when it is hot and dry in the southwest, as rats and mice shit in the attics of homes, it dries out, becomes airborne and people get sick. Same thing happens in China. The mouse shit freeze dries, Chinamen heat their homes, heat rises, dries out the mouse shit and the Chinamen breathe it as they are dirty people and they get sick and die.

The DOD is trying to link the China Hanta to a blood virus outbreak which has not happened. The key word in this is YET.

All part of the plan? – China is hiding the nature and spread of an Ebola/Marburg-like Virus that has struck the country

This Robert Malone is the sudden celebrity as the Corvid Docs of the DOD have all vanished. That is sad as Dr. Carrie Madj left the building when Erica Kahn savaged her. That is sad as Carrie looks like a Nordic and it was pleasant to lust after a pretty blonde appearing on Q Peters who looks like a penis on display, but he is gone too as this blog started referring to him as Q Peters of the DOD.

The DOD just keeps plugging in new mindfuckers and now they are telling you that China is the source of bloody viruses which have not appeared here and yet were rumored to appear, which is what got a story banned from this blog.

China has it's won Hanta strains, one in a little mouse. The people who collect viruses were really interested in Hanta China viruses, like Fauci was digging around in bat shit for Coronavirus. Another coincidence that these ghouls in America dig in animal shit and a plague appears.

High prevalence of hantavirus infection in small mammals was found in Fugong county, Yunnan province, China. A novel hantavirus species FUGV was identified from the small oriental vole. This virus is phylogenetic clustering with another hantavirus LX309, but shows highly genomic divergence.

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a group of illnesses that are caused by hantaviruses. Although increased exposure to rodents or their urine and droppings could be a decisive factor of the increasing in incidence, further research is still needed to elucidate the causes of the epidemic

It does not appear this Chinaman virus is spreading in human to human. it is breathing mouse shit which is the normal cause. The concern in this is, is this setting the stage for something else?

China is already being blamed for pig fever spreading in Europe, which of course if you kill all the pigs, then Bill Gates can feed you test tube pork, in being the lone supplier of Soylent Pork.

After having gone through 2 years of Fauci Fraud, I'm not in any mood for Steve Bannon lying and  Robert Malone lying for the DOD. I will listen to Dr. Carrie lie as she is pretty like a Nordic. Pretty lies or truths are more acceptable than fat old Bannon and Malone who looks like Bob Ross' brother, without the paint skills.

I'm just interested in why the lies as the DOD does not lie unless there is something in it for them at your expense.

I do not have any more to say on this, as I have more important bloody things to do as I was led to the solution in dealing with a caste of  creatures who .......I may write about this when God has me achieve success as it would help the Christian readers who do not mind getting their hands dirty.

Time to publish.

Who knew that viruses looked like their parents eh.

Nuff Said
