As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Not long ago, I received a note from a woman which was published here, and I contemplated how the person said she was prepared, but still had to go out into the world. The note was pleasing in the caliber of readers who have responded to the content here.
There were really no words in the English language to describe the character of the Lame Cherry Spiritual family. TL and I were discussing this about the quiet readiness, the stoicism and the attributes people have kept being added, but no words expressed what I was feeling in how skilled my children are by their efforts.
Sure I have outliers which resemble the groups that others collect and exploit, but my children have something else. God once told me what seems so long ago, and it was the only time I ever heard His voice. He just repeated PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE. I have struggled with that and tried to develop that attribute as God invested the time to direct me.
None of this is about ego. This is about people having an objective to survive to Christ's return. Do not be suckered into doing harmful things and do not be goaded in the psyops to change course. You keep moving, you keep watching, you keep giving ground, as the forces against will eventually spend themselves and be enveloped by other forces.
TL reckoned the ability of being like the wolf. Watching from cover, always keeping in cover and not placing yourself into a position where you are forced to move, as you have already planned out for that contingency.
I have experienced disruptions in my plans. Someone the water on Plan B has stopped working. I suspect that someone who was up there, pulled a fuse or unhooked something. I can not trial and error it as it is better to have heat on than screw that up too in checking things. So it will be fixed sooner or later and I still have a window of time to have things fixed.
The words which describes most of you is not the Old West "Hard Sell" as you are not involved in this to take lives or die. The words which came to me and I smiled at them, were that each of you have true grit.
Numbers of you will think of the book by that name and the movie which starred John Wayne and Kim Darby.
(informal) fortitude and determination
The word "Informal" means that what is in you is not organized or controlled by others. It is intimate to you, meaning it comes from within.
Fortitude: Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage
Determination: A personal decision to achieve the result of your will.
I hear often media hosts bragging about their audiences. Most tell their stupid listeners how intelligent they are as that appeals to followers lying to themselves they are thinking for themselves. My children I'm very proud of, as the greatest outcome any teacher and librarian can achieve is assisting the individual to be responsible in their liberty. St. James was Inspired to write by the Holy Ghost that control of the mouth turns an entire horse, as much as the control of your speech, which means your policing yourselves. This is what God is engaged in, every day of your lives. He is grooming you to self discipline, that is what a disciple is, Jesus guided disciples in training them, so they would become Apostles or His representatives He could rely upon to work through to fulfill God's Promise of Salvation.
Each of you are extensions not of me, but of God. Each splendid in His Perfect Work in you. You are not a bunch of self pitying whiners. You are not overcome by fear. You are not going to be controlled by emotions. You are rational in this walk through the valley of the shadow. There was not vanity inn you, you accepted the instructions, learned and put them into practice and are perfecting them.
You have Who is in you to survive and this is Christ in the Spirit of God.
True Grit.
Nuff Said