Monday, July 4, 2022

The Armageddon Knife


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So like I was saying, I was upset before Christmas in I had lost my Trapper knife, which I had for awhile in the meager funds before TL, I replaced this piss ant little Old Timer Stockman, probably my second one as I lost the first. I remember Beloved Uncle calling, me doing fishing stuff with it, and it just disappeared after that. Never have found it or Holy Angels brought me to it or it to me.

See I was busy, like living 10 lives, like I normally do as I got more irons in the fire than irons. So I have to fix the block heater plug in on the pick up as it stopped working on the plug in sucked, and so one morning in a rush before cold weather arrived, I got to cutting on the wires to put the new plug in on it.

Chinese made reallly shitty stuff before the plague. Chinese make shitty stuff worst than shit stuff now. The plug in was a flip up thing, and the screws would not tighten down. Was like over 8 bucks for that damn thing and I was pissed.

So I told TL we were taking it back and as it was the day after errands, I can't remember if we treated to quick breakfast take out or not, but I was thinking we did as I had to get to town and did not have time to eat.

Did have time to take a bad Chinaman plug in off another cord and put that on the pick up, so that was working.

Anyway, we got the plug in, and that was the day that JYG had a baler and trailer for us. Supreme good deals as we needed both cheap and that is what they were.

So that diverted more attention and it was late, fixed the other plug in and a few days later I needed the Trapper and went to look for it, as I usually leave it on the computer desk with my other knife and watch, which I never wear.

It was not there.

I thought an the Holy Ghost said, 'Last place you used it was on the pick up days ago", so out I went, went out twice really as I remember laying it on the fan shroud, and putting the screwdrivers away, but could not remember the knife. So I looked in the yard, and looked on the engine in vain and I knew that thing was gone like the wind.

I hate losing knives more than anything, well I hate lots of things worse but I get frustrated about knives.

So I wrote it off, after praying to see it laying on the road or had visions of someone picking it up in a parking lot, and was just upset about the whole deal.

OK so come Christmas, I get this knife catalogue and I start thinking about getting a replacment as I like Trappers. They not only are not available, but they are expensive in other cheap ass versions.

I did find a yellow handled one and my Grandpa had something like that, so I purchased two, they sent one and I had to remind them of that and I got half my money back.

So I forgot about the Grandpa knife in opening it Christmas Eve as I open presents then and TL opens on Christmas, and TL was busy making cookies before we left so I said I was going to open that yellow Trapper.

But first I had to go find my other computer we eveacuated when Big Hoss came into town being a big ass, as lots of things we had in Plan B got moved.

So I start pulling at things like pillows and stuff on the couch, and taking things off as I can see the power cord, and just like that, there is laying my Trapper. Just like Holy Angels laid it here.

I was taking my big ass fleece lined pants off there, and folding them up, as you just can not wash big ass fleece lined pants every day in wearing them as it wearst them out.

These came from the Thrift for a quarter. Some big ass woman had them, and did not take care of them. Had paint on them and the bluing was like faded in a few spots on the knee. That is the thing about big ass women, they are preoccupied with eating piles of greasy onion rings with their fat friends or are texting their fat friends at stop lights asking them if they look fat driving or something that they never take care of their big ass pants.

Now me, I take care of big ass pants. I swim in them being not big ass, and I do have devil attacks on my pants like barbwire making snags which I sew up, as is that white spot on my big ass pants, but I take care of them. These are old Wranglers and weigh like 40 pounds and are real sweet in 20 below weather. I would buy another pair but I don't think Wrangler makes heavy pants like this for people who are not farm boy fatties or big ass women. Used to be Wranglers were for trim fitting people, Levi's the fag brand was for skinny people and those Lee pants were for people who were stout. Last pants I bought were Walmart George pants, two pair for 20 bucks. Lighter than ranch jeans but they get me covered and keep things from sticking in my legs so what else are pants for.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, the knife. The return of my knife was God's special Christmas present to me, after Jesus of course, and I have it in the pocket of my big ass pants and those pockers are dee.

Thing is I was going to face the End Times with the Grandpa yellow Trapper and was content, but now that I got the Trapper back, I am thinking of facing the last days with that knife. Think this is the 3rd time I lost that knife. I know the one time it was by the water pump, and I was doing electric work there too. It was up there for days before I came across it again.

I uusally stick knife in the ground so it stands up, and always put things up, but I get to going that I forget to pick things up sometimes. This time I picked it up, and it fell out in me being tidy in folding my pants.

I wanted to share that story of the lost knife returned as God was very good to me on Christmas. It was better than the Red Ryder BB gun that kid got in the Christmas Story. People always want new things, but I would prefer getting my old stuff back as it is my stuff and I miss it. It has my Spirit on it and well it is mine so it feels right. That yellow knife just felt like it was made by some lightweight and was not going to be the kind of knife you would carry to Armageddon. The Trapper yes that is the Armageddon knife. It just feels like it has that kind of Justice in it. Jesus got His flaming sword and I have my Trapper

Yup some people got new things for Chrsitmas, It got my old stuff back.

Thank God for that.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Amen

Nuff Said
