Thursday, April 14, 2022

HAARP of Hell


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, the Lame Cherry is being proven right again. As I type this it is 12 degrees in Bismark North Dakota. In a week, it will be 68 degrees warmer.

I have told you what I suspected HAARP would be unleashed to accomplish this year, and it has been keeping the Northern Plains extremely cold since the last week of December. There were numbers of reasons from keeping Ukraine warm so the Russians had a hard time moving, stealing your money in energy price spikes, working on nuclear containment for a coming war and to attempt to suppress the NATURAL drought cycle which is spreading across America.

As this probably needs to be explained. In 1840, everything west of the Mississippi was known as the Great American Desert, because it was a desert. If one travels to Montana they have cactus growing there. By God's Grace America became more wet with Christian Churches, and God tamed the horrific storms, but the drought cycles appeared in the 1930's and in the 1970's which the globalists pounced on in concentrating land ownership into the few. What is coming now is designed in part to have conglomerates with robots seize the land in bankrupt farmers. Farmers have put up massive grain storage, are draining lands, and are now drilling irrigation wells, all from "Tax incentives and advice". The advice is to prepare this for the corporate control of agriculture and to end individual property ownership which is what the woke Klaus Schwab has stated is coming by 2030 AD in the year of our Lord.

The blue above means cold air which is by HAARP design as the Lame Cherry warned you that it should have been warm all winter due to this drought cycle. There have been horrific windstorms from the Rockies to the Mississippi driving this sucking of cold air from Canada and the Arctic. This last storm saw SOUTHWEST WINDS which should be warm, but brought Arctic cold, because the Low Pressure in Manitoba Canada was so immense it was swirling air from the Territories into the central plains and to the east.

As planting wheat is a necessity now for your bread, and wheat should have 50 to 70 degrees, now observe what HAARP is unleashing. Understand that all of this air being sucked out of the north creates a vacuum, there are going to begin horrific windstorms which are going to suck hell hot air out of the already hot southwest and flood it all north. Not good for wheat or for anyone trying to live.

Thee above is the 22nd, observe below what happens by the 23rd in the expansion of this massive heat influx.
Wheat country is going to fry. and this is going to blast into thee America South.

Pay attention though in this to the Great Basin or Nevada. Nevada will be 40 degrees as cold air pools again. HAARP is sloshing the atmosphere so bad that you will have these surges continue on.

For those who have not projected this out, what do you think is going to happen on that cold and hot line you see above? If you need a hint, they are called superstorms when you have a 40 plus degree shift in temperatures. Expect some massive hail and tornadoes to be produced as this moves into the plains and into the South again.

It seems by the pockets in Washington and California that the natural heating is going to overcome HAARP cold sinks and the heat will return again, which should produce another super wave of weather bombs. 

I have no idea if the atmosphere has been fucked up so much that there will be snow in May across the plains. That is a model I do not have access to, but the HAARP source I do monitor is showing a trend of warming on the 14 day.

OK if you need to be told, this means you really should be prepared with supplies, as inflation is going to be shocking, but the frying of the agriculture production will arrive next week.

Now can HAARP create storms to make some rain? Yes they can enhance, but if the Schwab woke projection is valid which it is, then the storms will bring damage and just enough crop to produce a George Soros 43 dollar a bushel wheat, but farmers will go bankrupt as the dumb fucks drove up land prices, land taxes and production costs to hang themselves, just as they did in the 20's for the 30/s, as in the early 70's for the late 70's, and as was begun in 2008 for Obama's installation and now is coming home to confiscate the land.

If you want nice Easter messages, get them from the false teachers you cling to. As the above projections show, this Lame Cherry was right predicting this months ago as a warning for you to get your shit together.

As a side note in the trials I have, someone drained our wifi bandwidth so I barely can get a page like this to load as it is like dial up. I still should have some high speed, but have had none, so someone in the yellow submarine is paying attention to what is posted here and is causing me problems again as you sit in your luxury.

This same pattern built in 1988 AD in the year of our Lord. If a Hi Pressure Dome starts building over the southwest, what is almost 90 degrees hot in North Dakota now will be 100 plus without any rain over most of the agricultural lands. You might as well just sit by the AC in the South so you don't die.........again if they do not turn the electric off as was planned. Then again, Southerners in their shotgun houses lived for hundreds of years in that heat and survived, so if you learn to eat weeds, maybe you will make it. Then again, the weeds around here turn crispy as the Brier is always one rain away from a drought.

There is rain only one day in this cycle. As this last storm blew away all that snow in drought regions, I doubt ..........the reality it will be dry rain, which is what the Brier gets. You can see it falling from the clouds, but the air is so dry it evaporates before it hits the ground.

By God's Grace I have been right about everything. There is a 90% + probability I will be right about this drought mirroring by August what you are looking at in the above cycle now.

Strongly suggest, that you have your carbohydrate sources in flour, rice etc... topped off, you make sure you have water and you start thinking how savage your community is going to be with things cutting this close to the bone.

4 baby hen chicks will probably keep you in eggs.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
