Sunday, May 8, 2022

There IS a Fake White House


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you remember, even the Lame Cherry exposed early that Pedo Joe Biden was not in the Oval Office when he was making his dictatorial mandates and people called it "conspiracy", but now Politico bumbles into confirming this reality that Biden is in a fake White House.......and the reason is stated that the real Oval Office can not have installed a permanent teleprompter for Biden to read from.

Meet you on the other side to expose this as bogus too.

...the White House has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events in part because it can’t be permanently equipped with a teleprompter; Biden aides prefer the fake White House stage built in the Old Executive Office Building next door for events, sacrificing some of the power of the historic backdrop in favor of an otherwise sterile room that was outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen.

First the Lame Cherry will inform you that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERMANENTLY INSTALLED TELEPROMPTER. They are all built to be moved. Here is a Presidential Teleprompter for around 1500 bucks.

So Dictator Biden's regime and Mockingbird propaganda has again been exposed as a lie. There is a hint in this though in the words "easily read teleprompter screen"

Back engineer this. Anyone can read a teleprompter screen as they are easy to read. So ask yourself what is wrong with Joe Biden in he is having problems reading a teleprompter in the Oval Office?

Ok, we know that Dictator Biden has Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's affects motor functions and that includes vision. We have all seen photos of Biden in shades. There is are reason for this. Joe Biden has vision problems.

Mar 11, 2020 ... Patients with Parkinson disease were found to be more likely to experience vision and eye issues, such as blurry vision, dry eyes, ...

The Dictator wears expensive sunglasses. What is the sun? Obviously it is light. What does the Oval Office have/ Lots of outdoor light.

Project this out, does your cell phone screen or laptop screen show up in outside light? Not worth a damn. We have all witnessed the creepy black eyes of Joe Biden. What causes black eyes like this? That is the pupil is dilating to the extreme. What happens when it does that? It lets in a great deal of light so the Dictator has to wear sunglasses to protect his eyes.

OK, back engineer this. Dictator Biden has to be in a fake White House, as studio with controlled light, really dark, because if he is in outdoor light, he needs his sunglasses on. He would need sunglasses in the Oval Office because his eyes dilate. He can't read a teleprompter with sunglasses on. The AV people can not darken the screen or Biden could not see it. They can not lighten it as Biden can not see it because it would make Biden more blind.

Therefore this fake studio is shielded from Oval Office amounts of outdoor light. Biden needs a specific light in order to be able to read a teleprompter. In some cases, Biden is not as brain senile as he seems, he just simply can not read the teleprompter because he is basically blind and can not see the words.

So the Biden White House is lying again. The cover story is about a permanent teleprompter which does not exist. The reality is Joe Biden is unable to deal with normal light due to Parkinson's Disease, and he is literally blind

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
