Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Oil Paradigm


Why yes Frau Cutoffmyballs, I once was a CEO
of American Boffer Oil

As another Lame Cherry exclusively in matter anti matter.

Most often you hear that certain people are the only ones who are bringing you the story, and it is all bullshit. When it comes to this global overthrow of the energy sector, the Lame Cherry is the only source which exposed all of this and what it means for you.

This blog explained that there are two divisions to this global overthrow, and Dictator Biden is implementing it in America. This is E cars or electric and H cars in hydrogen. The electric cars appear mostly centered in the United States, but the hydrogen monopoly is completely centered out of Germany and run by Siemens.

The reason I'm repeating myself is so you get this through your understanding. I have shown that it is impossible to just quit pumping crude oil and natural gas, as there are too many products from plastics, lubricants and fertilizers coming from these natural resources. What is one of the bi products is gasoline and diesel fuel. You can not get latex for your fans for your car or your fridge if you do not pump oil. If you try and use another hydrocarbon, that leaves soybean oils.....and that then competes with food prices and creates food shortages. Thee only sound energy and bi product for the world is the concentrated earth generated crude oil and natural gas.

That is why when Dictator Biden started blaming Big Oil, I paid attention and will explain as I meet you on the other side.

Exxon CEO Warns That Consumers
Will Pay For Hasty Energy Transition

Why Biden’s Green Energy Policy
Will 'End In Tears'

The White House Needs To End Its
Embarrassing, Petulant War On US Oil


Oil Tanker Halted By US Authorities
In Transit From Russia To New Orleans

Supplies Of Russian Gas To Hungary
Via Southern Route Resumed In Full

Italy’s Eni Still Receiving Less Russian Gas
Than Requested - Company

Theft Of Gasoline In US Currently Up
Compared To 2021

Netherlands Warns Of Energy Crisis
‘Domino Effect’ That Could Consume
Whole Of Europe

Most of you remember that long winded Lindsey Williams who was predicting things, because he talked to Big Oil tycoons. They held the seats at the table. After all it was Rockefeller at Mobil Exxon who ran the world, even if crude was priced out of London.

When Biden started scapegoating Big Oil for high prices, I was most interested when Chevron replied to Dictator Biden's lies.

Jun 21, 2022 ... Dear Mr. President: Thank you for your letter dated June 14, 2022. As industry leaders, academic experts and numerous policy makers have ...

In the combined Rense links above, another Big Oil group entered the fray in the Rockefeller Exxon.

Jun 16, 2022 ... (The Hill) – ExxonMobil and Chevron released statements this week saying the Biden administration could be doing more to address oil prices ...

Big Oil is supposed to rule the world. They are now fighting back, which means that they were told they were going to cut the profits up as always, but the seats at the table have changed drastically. On several chairs there are now American subsidized European green power. Bidencon inherited this from Obama Inc. Into this is Bidencon now creating an eco disaster in California in mining toxic elements for batteries for these E cars which there are not enough raw materials in the world to build, but is controlled by the group that installed Birther Hussein to make people dependent on public transpiration, or in other words, confining people to their homes as in the Soviet Union to control travel. The other seats are occupied in the Germans of Siemens who are implementing the global hydrogen monopoly, and appear to have murdered an American in New York who had an alternative to German hydrogen in expensive tanks, but had an engine that separated hydrogen from water in your fuel tank.

The crude oil producers are no longer a priority.

Macron Reveals Saudis And UAE Already
Pumping Oil At Maximum

Manny Macron should not have revealed that reality as Dictator Biden has gone begging to the new allies of Russia and China, and they have no oil to replace the oil that Obama Biden shut off from US and Canadian production.

So now we know that Big Oil is being replaced and they in arrogance apparently have not figured out they are the dinosaur on the list and those International Socialists are the meteor about to make them extinct, along with their power, and yes, their positions as they are still powerful, and the cartel can not allow powerful people that will assassinate them and get rid of them to be around.

I have not heard British Petroleum or Dutch Royal Shell whining about this, just thee Americans who are being eliminated. This is a rather serious turn of events, as the regimes of the West are in the process of eliminating Big American Oil, and that includes the regime in the District of Crooks.

Now Bush fam for the Europeans leveraged Texas Big Oil in the Kennedy assassination. Just thought I would add that little germ of information in the foundation of American power is being eliminated, and the Rockefellers are not being told. For that matter, it explains a bit why Dr. Henry Kissinger is on the outs with the Klaus Schwabians over Ukraine and Russia, which is about not just taking the Russian leadership out, but is about erasing thee Americans who make America a free nation.

What happens if these powerful people ally themselves with Russia and China to save themselves?  There are lot of questions in this, but this is about saving themselves. You are expendable, but you should consider in this kind of winner survives, maybe this orgy of contention might just give you a hiding place to not end up dead while billions of others are ashes in this conflict.

No one else seemed to notice this turn of events and it's implications.

Maybe you need to have this explained a bit more. Lindsey Williams said the oil people controlled everything. Now we know that there are lords and priests (some popular girl probably informed you of that years ago) and they treat Big Oil like.........well you are treated.

Serious situation and now you are aware of the seriousness and what kind of temporal power they have which is quite powerful. The people who hosed us down are associates of these hierarchy. 

That is enough exclusive information for you as there is nothing you can do about it and you certainly are not a poor orphan girl walking around where you are terrified to tread.

Nuff Said
