Saturday, July 2, 2022

If You Desire To Know the Future

We just need to put the stick about. We have been fomenting wars with our Shylock
bankers for centuries to be the hand that rocks the cradle. Just watch your Downton Abbey
and pretend you are proper as we rule the world by putting the stick about.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you desire to know the future, Sir Wet Willie of the United Kingdom in talking to the English fodder, about what to expect for the English in the near term.

Meet you on the other side.

He went on to note that with the growing threat of Communist China, the United States will become more engaged militarily in the Pacific theatre and therefore the United Kingdom and European members of NATO will necessarily bear more of the brunt in confronting the threat posed by Russia.

So England is forcing the Welsh and the Scotts to be ready to die for Prime Chuck in the coming war. So England is mobilizing as in preparation for world war. Sir Wetness happened to state that Russia will win, but Ukraine will remain under threat, that means a partitioned Ukraine. It means that England is going to draw fodder Slavics in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to die for the cause. Remember this was the New English Alliance. It will be defeated just as Hitler kicked the shit out of the English alliance, which triggered the French and Lowland Peoples to be eaten by the Nazis as England hid behind the Channel. That is what Sir Wetness is talking about when he mentions NATO. Once the English sacrifice these asstard Slavs, that regional war is going to be tripwire to force NATO, and that means, Germany, Italy and France to be used to absorb Russian firepower and where Russians will die.

England of course will not be involved as Europe dies again.

But what of America Why Wet Willie tells us. and it is exactly as David John Oates found in Reverse Speech. The Australians in the English inspired alliance with America, will betray the United States. England is too far away from China to fuck with, so the Pacific War will be the United States destroying China and China destroying America and the competitor allies in Japan and South Korea.

So the English are telling the world their plan, the world will die for British rule.

Now you will remember that this Lame Cherry informed you that Russia knows this plot and is why Russia has been patient and playing this slowly. Russia is waiting for the English to instigate the war between China and America. The central Europeans have their own scheme to rule the world as America and Russia with China fight it out. Russia knows this plot too.

What you know due to the Lame Cherry despite your somehow not donating when you should is the future. I have been telling you this for sometime and now Wet Willie has just confirmed what is coming, how, where, what and pretty close to when.

The United Kingdom and its allies are facing a “1937 moment”

The war proper started in 1939 AD in the year of our Lord. There is not any way that England can mobilize for 2 years. The threat is to draw Russia out before England mobilizes. Russia has a time line problem with Europe is mobilizing in their defense forces too. 

The cartel is playing all and everyone is thrown in and The Great Eurasian War this blog predicted is begun.

However, unlike in 2008, today central banks can’t rerun another decade of zero interest rates and QE. This time, as insiders like ex-Bank of England head Mark Carney noted three years ago, the crisis will be used to force the world to accept a new Central Bank Digital Currency, a world where all money will be centrally issued and controlled. This is also what Davos WEF people mean by their Great Reset

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
