Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 4 is no more


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For all of my adoration for American heroes from George Washington, Andrew Jackson, George Custer, George Patton and Douglas MacArthur, my admiration for them is not one dimensional for in them was the one admirable trait of they saved lives and that was everything which drove them.

War is coming, the big war, the Great Eurasian War as this blog has warned for decades. I have worked constantly for peace, and peace is why Homeland appeared here for an interview, is because I was attempting to save lives, while those who sent them were interested in the expense of life.

The last thing I want is the United States in war. The last thing I want is Russia in war. I have been exposed too much to war and it's price. My family has buried too many heroes and recovered too many wounded. As you have not figured this out, there is a vast difference between combat Soldiers and the rest of the military. Combat Soldiers do the fighitng. Very few Soldiers are ever in real combat. Most are supportive and have no idea of what war is. That is why you never hear of what war is.

I desire to feature a recently dead American hero, in Pvt. Eugene Bondarant Sledge. His warnings and insights will not be heeded by the wokesters who are leading the world to war again for their control of that world. The fact is that Eugene Sledge never did understand the full dynamics of what he experienced or warned of.

He could express with examples of officers being all buddy buddy in combat, but after the victory the combat Soldiers won, the officers were back to being pompous assholes again asserting privilege. 

He could express his loathing for media propaganda and political propaganda over the glory of war, because theres is no glory in war in those who actually fight the wars. In real war, you are terrified. In real war, you are broken by massive shelling. In real war, the darkness is a phobia in which the enemy murders you in your foxhole. In real war, you hear the grunts and groans of men struggling to kill each other in hand to hand combat, and you can do nothing about it, as your weapon is useless in situations like that, and in the shadows, you will be either killed by your own people or be killed by the enemy if you move.

The following quote is why I detest the stealing of American money for Ukraine in billions of dollars. Money that could have provided lives to so many Americans instead of the feudal few dealing in this war trade.

"War is brutish, ignoble and a terrible waste. Combat leaves and indellible mark on those forced to endure it."

Those are just words to you. They will not have meaning until you experience real war and it's permanent costs.

As I have stated Eugene Sledge knew of war, but he also was ignorant of the facets of war in using patriotism to sucker people to that waste.

His statement at the end of his memoirs is ignorance and plays into the hand of the very people he loathed.

"As the troops used to say, "If the country is good enough to live in, it's good enough to fight for." With privilege goes responsibility.

Those words have been used to destroy American lives since the Spanish American War now two centuries past.

Do you know what would have happened if the United States had not  been suckered by her woke leaders into World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf I and II?

The world would have turned into the same socialist quagmire it did, without all of the loss of life and the worked for treasury of America. All that money would have remained in the many people's hands, instead of the few. All of those regimes which were warned of as the great threat, would have burned themselves out and coups would have occurred and the world would have continued on in a much more ordered way. All without Americans maimed, impoverished and dead.

The Lame Cherry has a few poignant questions for you.

Do you want to live your life every day without electricity and all you smell is the stench of dead people and animals rotting and you can not get away from it?

Do you want to become a refugee in America, and have to walk to where you thinik you can survive, and you have shit in your pants from drinking dirty water, your feet are bleeding because what is left of your shoes is rotting your feet in the wet you are stepping in, and your world is one of maggots or blow flies on you or in your food?

Do you want to be forced to make a decision that you will have to kill your pets or people you thought you could rely on, because they are endangering you?

Do you want to die knowing people you thought you could rely on, fled for their lives, and left you to rot where you fell, where animals eat you and maggots render you into a black puss that burns the ground so nothing will grow their for a year?

You are going to have to answer those questions, because the world is being led to those questions.

Men like Eugene Sledge who worshipped their military, should have known better, because it was their military's politics which made them expendable. They clung to that comradery, returned to society and not one of them in all their handouts and lies they were told afterwards in being a great generation, never once asked if they should have marched on Washington DC as DC is what was killing them, and the cover was Berlin, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Hanoi or  Baghdad. or any of these other props when the money trail for their death led to the banks of London, New York, Paris and Berlin.

I do not want war, because the war which is coming is going to engulf America and the world. 99 out of 100 of you reading this, do not have what it takes to not quit, to not be waiting around for this regime in America to save you and to not to get into the hundreds of positions beforehand so you are not the first waves of fodder.

Random chance takes more lives than it preserves.

For all the random chance saving grace that Eugene Sledge experience, he should have been dead three times. Once when an officer told him to look into a pill box where a Japanese machine gun opened up on him. Once when he was walking back to his position and a Japanese machine gunner opened up perfectly and led him too far, and once when he crawled up to save a wounded man, and the sniper who was there had somehow disappeared 20 yards away.

Eugene Sledge in his first combat, one night in talking with two other Soldiers, heard a distinct voice, which he thought was God, tell him, "You will survive the war". No one else heard it, but he did, even though in random chance he exposed hiimself 3 times where death would have killed with 100% certainty.

Any of you who think you are God's little acre and will be preserved will be dead like the other 99 and left to rot.

I do not want America in war. I realize though that the way this is, is all of us are going to have to participate in it. The odds I factor are being God's and placing as much distance between me and the fodder of war which most of the world is. I fully intend to pull the door shut and wait out the Wrath of God.

Thee America of July 4 is no more. I'm not going to place myself in harm's way for something which no longer exists.

War is the last thing anyone should want. War is the first thing everyone should be running away from as fast as they can.

Nuff Said
