Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Sexual Deviancy is Population Control

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This little gem from the Kissinger Report, which is a very matter of fact scientific analyst reveals that the promotion which began under Birther Hussein, Bunghole Roberts, not withdrawn by Deserter Donald Trump and gone steroid under Dictator Biden is one part of an effective population control, because sodden cunts engaged in lesbian deviancy and feces scented penis up male rectums both do not reproduce children. Making adult populations sexual deviants takes the breeding population down.

Focusing on children as Dictator Biden has in Bob Barker spaying and neutering them, in transvestite sex changes, ends reproduction. Castrated males turned into females and hysterectomy females turned into males do not have children.

This last strategy — force and coercion applied to developing countries — is currently used by the population control cartel to push not only abortion, sterilization and birth control, but other evils such as homosexuality and transgenderism.

This process works up to a point as the leading pedophiles stil require children to own and molest, but again when one turns the deviant sex pervs on each other in sodomy, they are then not raping children set aside for the elite.

Yes this will come to legalized pedophilia, but the moment that legalization takes place, the "rights" of homosexuals will be ended as they are drains on society and competitors for children. The Pedolite are not going to have competitor and will eliminate them, just as the Pedolite will eliminate the "illegal immigrants" once their purpose of eating resources like cancer and diluting the voting White population is established. The robotics will rule and then the turning those unhappy homosexuals into sexless beings will become the legal remedy.

Goodbye yellow brick road Elton John.

OK enough of an update on the future tense as I have sweet corn to cook.

Nuff Said

In his own interpretation of Elton John's iconic hit, Iranian filmmaker and refugee Majid Adin reimagines “Rocket Man” to tell a new story ...

