Thursday, August 18, 2022

Pedophile Pox

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This must be said and the Lame Cherry demands a competent investigation as there are facts in "Monkey Pox".

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 99 percent of cases thus far have been in males, with 94 percent reporting "recent male-to-male sexual or close intimate contact."

"Monkey Pox" is a sex disease. There is a confirmed case of two homosexual males living with a dog, that the dog contracted "Monkey Pox", meaning the dog was raped.

There are now cases of children contracting "Monkey Pox" and this is a male sodomite sexual disease which spread through sex, "Monkey Pox" is Pedophile Pox.

FL Toddler Becomes Seventh US Child To Test
Positive For Monkeypox

Researchers - Yes. ‘Gay Sex’, Not Skin Contact,
Is Fueling Monkeypox

One raped pet, one raped child is too many raped children or pets. It is past time that the carte blanche that homosexuals have Obama Privileged themselves be examined in the public forum as the Department of Justice and the FBI are not interested in crimes of this sort.

No matter how child rape is pushed, it is a crime against the laws of nature as much as pet rape.

This is wrong. This is evil. This is a danger to all mammalian creatures as this pox has infected two species in humans and canines through sex. Raped children are burdened with emotional problems as Anne Heche just proved.

It is wrong to say that this evil is not wrong and should not be taking place in civilization.

Nuff Said

