Friday, August 12, 2022

république des exilés


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Prophetic voice of the People by the Grace of God, the Lame Cherry no longer focuses upon the Co Opters, the international cartel which overthrew and murdered the American Virgin, the Republic of these United States. The Republic is dead and has been dead for sometime.

What this poor orphan girl is building toward is a future time which logic and the reality of the cartel's murderous ways, will bring the world to. While we must exist in this world, and in the regime which dictates to the People, the People must comply with the laws to not become enemies of the state and the People must pay their taxes as that is the law. Otherwise like the Protestant Christian, thee American waits for a return of a time when living in responsible liberty, at liberty from the police state, will be the start of the resurrection of thee Republic.

The United States somewhat like France, was overthrown from within. For France the superpower of Europe after World War II was eroded by leftists and the stigma of the established heirarchy. For France the overthrow was the Nazi invasion. For America, it was a keyboard, corporate boar and black robe courts which overthrew a trusting and sloven people to a Vichy which is a slave state.

No one has any commonality with a Vichy Thune, Vichy Cheney, Vichy McConnell or a Deserter like Donald Trump. The appointed stooges like Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are but the Pied Pipers pipe the lemmings to crow the cliff before they are vanquished in being pushed over this cliff.

America has been a series of breaches of the Constitution.

The first breach was the tyrant Thomas Jefferson, installing mob rule.

The second breach was the tyrant Abraham Lincoln in declaring war on Americans.

The third breach was the despot Theodore Roosevelt, who legalize foreign banking control of America.

The fourth breach was the international socialist Woodrow Wilson who prospered America into a depression.

The fifth breach was the internationals despot, Frank Roosevelt, who legalized dictatorial control of America.

The sixth breach was Bush Clinton clique who institutionalized conglomerate robbery of the Treasury.

The seventh breach was the communist Birther Hussein Obama who turned America over to the international corporate enslavement.

Each of these breaches set in motion and completion the end of the 10th Amendment in the People held all rights which were not limited to the Government. Now it is a case that the People are being erased and replaced.

What Americans are, as are most people from Canada, Australia, England, France, Germany etc... are a People without a country. They have been subjected to being criminalized by their own laws for simply being.

We are a majority in our nations and yet dictated to by a minority which has created a massive police state to crush anyone who politically challenges this feudal few.

Each of us are Charles de Gualle in the autumn of 1940, in we are dissidents. We disagree with the established policy of international erasure and replacement.

"A person who dissents from some established policy"

Those who disagree now are hunted down by the FBI on misdemeanors. There is nothing which can be done in this as Charles de Gaulle assessed the situation, as the military 'retired' him. The government where he was Undersecretary of State was removed by the Nazis. His pleas to established authorities were rejected with contempt. Charles de Gaulle understood that he was a voice. He had no army no arms, no nation and no authority. He could not defeat the Nazi nor could he remove the Co Opters in Bordeaux and Paris. All he had was the Truth, and the knowledge that surely as the world turns, the tide of this overthrow would turn, and when it did, his words of liberty and freedom for his nation would resonate as the Truth they are.

The People of France were beaten down and defeated in 1940. They wanted to horror of losing to stop. They agreed to enslavement in being Vichy. But Charles de Gaulle knew that in the French heart and soul, there would come a time that they would be filled with revulsion at their poliitcal solution and the French would cast it off. No one would admit in that time to being in agreement to the overthrow. All would focus their loathing on those who led them into that gulag. Charles de Gaulle understood that a Patriot does not live by dying on the field which is lost, a Patriot lives for the day upon the sacred words of Hope when that field will be taken again by a freed people.

This is thee emancipation which those of thee American Remnant live for. They do not live for the regime in power protected by the police state, but they live for the day when this corrupt thugocracy will shatter upon itself as all have.

This is why Dr. Henry Kissinger in his probable last book focused on leaders in the world who were lone voices for their People. Charles de Gaulle is featured in that examination of history in the dissident, rejected by those who overthrew his nation, would prevail not by force, but by not giving up.

Each of us is exiles in our own lands. We are the république des exilés, the Exiles of the Republic. We are not alone. We are the many, isolated and thought to be made few, and targeted for extinction, but we will live past our extinction for the expiration date of tyranny is more readily soon in the annals of time, than the erasure of entire peoples.

We will win by the attrition of the authority of the dictatorships suffocating themselves in the most heinous of self holocaust.

We will live for the time when the regime is rotted down to mother earth and the police state has rusted guns no longer lubricated upon the dictatorship which succored it.

We are république des exilés, the Exiles of the Republic sojourners in our Land and one day we will live again in the home of our nativity, for that home is our destiny.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
