Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Bunker State


So we won over the billions of people right?
This is what winning looks like then?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the cartel successfully shatters, splits, scatters, fragments and grinds what is the corpse of America into sects, then the divisions will manifest in the most unholy of flaws.

The Lame Cherry does not speak of the police state which is protecting the bunker state, no this is the time when the police state has vanished as the cartel will have no use for millions of armed contenders, and therefore there will not be an FBI or for that matter a standing military. They will be as expelled as shit from the body politic. They will not have purpose in a conglomerate of drones and robotics of order from the bunker state.

This will be the world of those few in the bunker and those surviving in the gulags at large. The feudal few existing as gophers in their holes of power and the rats of humanity ignored as the erasure of them has lost the sport of droning them down in the cloth of the land will adjust with the seasons like the wildlife.

This will be after all this drama you think now is your reality. The diversions to move you along as the Judas Goat bleats the many into the pit. First the diversions, then the wars, then the gulag cities, then the culling, then the dissent, then the locating of the pockets where the bunker state no longer sees.

Your tits have no value in a synthesized category.

This is the elimination in the conflagration in the execution of destruction. The organism of this body human of politic, is dead. It is now being harvest for parts in forced donations of organs and it is now rotting down. The soft tissue of the pliable, those conditioned to submit will rot first. What will be left are the bones of the skeleton of society, quite visible, and yet of no consequence as the framework has no overlaying of tissue which could generate the life of a society.

The bones will be all that is left. That with marrow uncracked will become the implement of the pieces of the human experience where the sophisticated savages in the bunkers continue to fear the savages not ordered like them.

Curds or Turds, you are the same floating substance brought about by your political acidity, rendering the mother's milk of humanity into a by product unfit to be offered to the public as provision for life.

- Lame Cherry

The bunker state will become the immortal grave. Thee immortal can not die, but what  state in this experiment is immortality vaporized by a  nuclear device or that DNA having a rotting cancer that never ceases. What is an immortal which feels pain of cold, hard floors and no one is there to cut the wood to tend a fire, so living without death is a prison of discomfort. How does the immortal bathe away the physical stench of the skunk of their being?

The luxury has always been death. It has an end. What is a world without end? What is a system of mechanical production, robotic maintenance, that must be made to serve a bunker state of atrophy. The cartel must for order, remove that police and military state which inflicts order on the disorder. It can not fund a martial state as there is not the infrastructure of billions to maintain it. It can not perpetuate a police state which breaks down to the core of what a human lusts for and that is the resonant relief of the promise of disorder. Take that away, condition that thought away, and the snyform humans are flesh blobs of no value to the lusts of the bunker state. They are the masturbation of the dead in no pleasure to give. When their is no pleasure for the bunker state, there is no reason for being in those they manage or can not manage

That though is beyond the bunker state and is the atrophy of the experiment of the adversary state. satan does not build for a future, for satan is the adversary of what is, and is the revelation of what is not. What is not can not be. What is, is, even when it is not.

We are witnessing not the euthanasia, not the abortion, not the genocide of the human expanded interaction. This will move beyond erase and replace to disintegration ( the end of human integration) to the elimination of the mortal human condition.

Survivors will witness this.

You will see this popular girl made poor orphan girl is right.

Nuff Said
