As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The above is a feature of God's miracles. To most of you, who do not know the story, it will look like a pile of junk.
The Lame Cherry is not going to fill in the details of why all this matters, but I can tell you about this miracle.
If you look at the roof laying up by the silo, I can tell you that it was 150 feet to the right of this. I can tell you that the top part was facing away from the silo. I can tell you that the boards were on top, and the "roof top" was laying on the grass.
We had a Brier Patch breeze that day. I thought that the big wind was done, but when we went back the next day, there was this section of roof laying there.
I was too sick, busy and distracted to think about what God did. So it was two weeks before TL took this photo and in prayer, the Holy Ghost started stunning me in what God did.
If the wind had picked this up, laying the way it was, the boards should be up against the silo.
If the wind had picked this up, laying the way it was the top would be at the bottom or at the top, but facing the other way.
There is not any way in this earth that a wind put this section of roof. This was the work of God and a Holy Angel.
Here am I in awe of God. I was stewing about this for just a day, not the roof blowing around, but what God was listening to and this was the solution God provided. Didn't damage any of my stuff, just caused impediments and problems for the people who were up to something.
Anyway that is God taking care of me, taking care of things, and doing things like God does and He is really able to show how absolutely stupid I am and ignorant in not seeing it all. Probably have not seen the tenth of this, but I will.
God is good at miracles in giving me space and time, to get to the time when I will have all the space.
Nuff Said.