Monday, February 6, 2023

In this War, Books are Weapons


Books can not be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. In this war, we know books are weapons.

-Frank Roosevelt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was surprised in the above quote was featured by the widow of the well known American African professional hunter, Peter Hathaway Capstick. Capstick in his final book edited by this widow, dedicated it to democratic general Normam Schwarzkopf of the Iraqi War fame for Bush41.

Also in the quotes featured was a Jewish leader in President Charles de Gaulle's government.

In the above quote, Frank Roosevelt was speaking to the literary circles of America concerning books and was targeting the Nazi of Germany. Roosevelt plainly stated that books were weapons in his war, and were the ideas.

So that begs the question, just what books were the Nazi's burning, as we hear that charge often, and what were the ideas that Frank Roosevelt was interesting in promoting as weapons for his agenda.

Below is a quote of one of the main books the Nazi's of Germany burned. It was a sexual deviant book, now a legality in this world of sodomite perversions, which advocated prositution, aborticide and transvestites. All part of the modern woke agenda which appeared in 1904 AD in the year of our Lord in Germany, as Berlin was the sodom of Europe.

Magnus Hirschfeld was a Jewish German sexologist and LGBTQ activist who made significant contributions to the field of queer rights in the early 20th century. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential figures in the queer rights movement.

Hirschfeld was a prolific writer, having written several books and articles on a variety of topics related to gender and sexuality. One of his most famous publications was Berlin’s Third Sex, which he published in 1904. This book was an early look at gender variance in early 20th-century Germany, which had a thriving drag scene and a burgeoning transgender community.

The book helped to increase Hirschfeld’s profile and ultimately led to him becoming one of the most prominent LGBTQ activists in the world. Hirschfeld was also involved in writing one of the first gay characters to appear in a film, for the 1919 movie Different From the Others. His work helped to lay the groundwork for the acceptance of LGBTQ people in Germany and around the world. Hirschfeld’s activism and writings have had a lasting impact and continue to influence the modern LGBTQ rights movement.

Hirschfeld was the first to coin the term “transvestite” and was also a fierce advocate for the rights of sex workers, and for the decriminalization of contraception and abortion.

What other books were the German's burning?

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov -  The story of a pedophile lusting after a 12 year old girl.

Helen Keller - How I became a Socialist

The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx & Frederich Engels.

There is often pointed to books by HG Welles and Ernest Hemingway. as much as Alduos Huxley in Brave New World. Here is a soundbyte for those who are not aware what is in Huxley's work.

Aldous Huxley's dystopian classic is set in a futuristic world of genetically modified citizens and an intelligence-based social hierarchy. The book looks into huge scientific progressions in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that were at first believed to make a utopian society

Huxley seems to have written a blueprint for a large group of people who rejected the Bible and desired for their own Faustian trade as in Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and King Charles. The question in this is the reality of the Bible at one point that people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, and yet in another reality that people are destroyed for unbridled knowledge.
Would the release of plagues to take over the world as in Coronavirus Wuhan or the use of Weather Terrorism to break the will of the people actually have taken place if someone had not recorded the ideas in how to subvert humanity? That is what the reality of unbridled knowledge is, if there is one powerful idea, which does not respect the basic rights of all to life, liberty and property, then that is amoral and immoral, but saying such things in this burgeoning global police state will get you Jan6 detained forever as much as a Lutheran bucking the trend in Germany in the 1940's.

But if you read the words of Frank Roosevelt, you can see the words his modern community organized Obama cult has awoke to. Frank Roosevelt was for making sexual perverse books available which destroys the soul, was protecting socialism and communism which have killed hundreds of millions in this utopian world and advocated child rape being legalized in perverted adults molesting children they lust after.

There is nothing beneficial in any of that.

Nowhere has it ever been said that the Bible was a weapon. The Gospel of Christ is one of Peace and Life, which teaches if one removes themselves from most of what Frank Roosevelt was saying were weapons he could use to overthrow societies for his taking dictatorial control, that they will along with every one else have a life where they can grow as a person to a higher understanding of what being humane is.

I always liked Capstick but his last book is about a British intelligence officer of vast intrigue whose main purpose was setting up a guild state in Tel Aviv. I have had about enough of the British Tavistock Institute polluting minds in this world, hiding behind the blank license to kill by the royals and the biggest criminal enterprise in what is London banking.

I have had enough of people using books and ideas as weapons.

Nuff Said
