Tuesday, March 28, 2023

CIA is using their media to get America out of Ukraine


I lie so often and so much that I actually believe them.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are finally some CIA assessments being published in the Washington Post which are approaching the facts of Ukraine. Moderate estimates are that 120,000 Nazi in Ukraine are dead or wounded. I always am suspect of the Russian losses as being far too over inflated, for the simple reality is that Russia from the start of this operation has relied on heavy weapons to blaze paths for their infantry. Russia troops would not die in large numbers as the Nazis are all dead by the time the Russian infantry arrives.

Meet you on the other side.

U.S. and European officials have estimated that as many as 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded since the start of Russia's invasion early last year, compared with about 200,000 on the Russian side,

The following Ukrainian assessment by a field commander reveals the real statistics on Kiev losses. Entire battalions have been wiped out and replaced, in a 1 to 5 ratio of dead to wounded. There are estimated 200,000 Ukrainian dead. That would translate to 800,000 wounded and would fit the reports that old men, boys and women are being rounded up with young men, and thrown in as fodder to this holcaust machine in Kiev. 

After a year of war, Kupol, a lieutenant colonel, said his battalion is unrecognizable. Of about 500 soldiers, roughly 100 were killed in action and another 400 wounded, leading to complete turnover. Kupol said he was the sole military professional in the battalion, and he described the struggle of leading a unit composed entirely of inexperienced troops.

"I get 100 new soldiers," Kupol said. "They don't give me any time to prepare them. They say, 'Take them into the battle.' They just drop everything and run. That's it. Do you understand why? Because the soldier doesn't shoot. I ask him why, and he says, 'I'm afraid of the sound of the shot.'

The reality of this is that there is not a fighting force in Ukraine. There are people without training who occupy holes and Kiev wants Russia to waste resources in killing them in those holes. The reality is in this, that for the CIA to be laying the ground work with factual information, they are attempting to put an end to what the US military will not, and which the White House does not have the will, as Ukraine is become not just a political disaster, but a strategic disaster, which is going to have repercussions for longer than Iran, a Jimmy Carter bungle.

The CIA knows Ukraine is lost. What the CIA is concerned about now is Kiev is so in control in this out of control situation, that Kiev is going to spread this war into NATO, and the CIA has assessed that this war is on a doomsday clock for nuclear war as wokism has met reality.

Russia has not been degraded. Russia is stronger than she was at the start of this.  That means America has been weakened, and America is facing real coup realities in her European allies just forced the Fed to stop raising interest rates and to start pumping money again for magnum inflation.

The CIA has made numerous deliberate miscalculations for their own interests, but the CIA can see this two front Russia and China war is a disaster that America will lose. The net result in the Washington Post Mockingbird reality is that the CIA wants this war in Ukraine over as soon as possible and an understanding with Moscow, that it will not interfere with the war with China

That is the logical projection of this Washington Post propaganda. The CIA wants out of the klusterfuck of Ukraine and is using their press to drive forward that narrative. This is the second attempt by the CIA, the first was NBC and Kiev put a murder contract on that NBC CIA reporter.

Nuff Said
