Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How did they know it? How did they see it?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the matter of  the attack on the US spy base in Jordan and Syria, word has now leaked out that the militia drone, used an American drone as cover to make the attack.

I'm calling bullshit on this and will explain why I conclude there is a cover up after you read the Pentagon propaganda.

A report by Politico on Monday detailed how the drone that killed three US soldiers on Sunday managed to evade detection by trailing behind a US drone that was returning to the base in Jordan at the same time. 

The attack which occurred at the Tower 22 occupation base, located on the border between Syria and Jordan, resulted in the death of three US military personnel and left numerous others, at least 34, injured.

The Washington Post reported that the drone struck the living quarters at the base, causing injuries ranging from cuts, bruises, and brain injuries, some of which required medical evacuation.

Below you will see an artists conception which was not presented at the Pentagon nor the White House situation room, but it shows the radar pattern, the US drone flight path, the militia drone taking off, and the space between the US drone and the militia drone which radar would pick up all things in the air.

The US drone can not fly on the deck or the militias would shoot them down.

Another problem in this is, the militia drone is not some afterburner Mach 57 craft that can close on an American drone in the time necessary to ride piggy back into the base.

That is why the Lame Cherry is calling bullshit on this Pentagon propaganda as this drone could not have done what the Pentagon is stating it did as it did  not have the speed to close the gap and if it was airborne it would have been seen.

There is also the problem of the Pentagon stating the militia got lucky. Now how do you get lucky in knowing a US drone is incoming so you can use it for cover? Who told the militia this craft was coming in, an as the US flies drone non stop, how just is it that this luck never manifested before?

So what was taking place here? As another drone was shot down after this one struck the target, the Lame Cherry arrives to the conclusion which is going to perplex a thinking mind, and that conclusion is, that this base's radar was turned off. Read that again, as in this story, this is thee only conclusion which is viable. This base, like all bases having suffered hundreds of attacks in the past months, turned it's radar off. Now why would it turn it's radar off?

It was not because the missile defenses would shoot down the US drone, as there are signature signals on American craft and these systems are not automated to fire. All craft look like something on radar, a drone is unique as an F 35.

The conclusion is that the radar was deliberately turned off, that meant like the US border with Mexico, an order was issued to stand down. Now why would a radar stand down, and more to the point, how did the militia know that this radar was going to be shut off. Either someone in the base leaked the information, Tel Aviv leaked the information or the Russians knew this had been taking place as a US protocol and alerted the militias.

The entire Mideast is covered by AWACS and other radars. Nothing really moves in the area without it being recorded. In this case, something was going on at this main supply base, which involved something in the air which those at this CIA base, and yes this is a CIA base, run with Air Force radar experts, did not want recorded or shot down, as it most likely did not have an identifying squawker operating.

This is not some major airport facility, so it is not like spy planes are landing there. This is the base which Jordan trained terrorists out of in the Obama terror control era to attack Syria, with weapons out of Libya, flown into Turkey that got Ambassador Christopher the fag Stephens ass raped to death in Benghazi.

This is a hot area that you do not get into without major clearance as things are going on there which are not supposed to be going on.

There are various projections in this. They run from either Tel Aviv was at that base operating on some mission they should not have been in Muslim sovereign lands. Perhaps it was British SAS after Yemeni leaders. Perhaps it was a load of opium out of Afghanistan for Tel Aviv pedo nightclub traffic which this drone was bringing in. The secret in all of this lies and lays in that radar being turned off so there would not be an official record of it to try and explain or for a spy to pass along to Moscow.

This is the conclusion, the radar at Tower 22 was deliberately turned off.

One can gauge by the reaction of Lord Austin and Dictator Biden that this militia operation pissed off a host of these wokesters who were engaged in something they did not want Americans to know about and got public attention they could not deflect So in their butt hurt they are ranting about killing everyone, including Iran.

Cooler minds have prevailed out of the Pentagon in they are stating they are not seeing any Iranian involvement, but this does not address the issue of what was the diseased Lord Austin involved in, with the CIA, and most likely Muslims and Tel Aviv, which brought an order to turn off a radar, so an activity could take place that no one was  supposed to know about.

Congress is not going to address this, as they are all stooges of this cartel, told to keep quiet. When one understands the nefarious events in Afghanistan and Ukraine in billions disappearing, along with arms shipments, that is what this is all about, like the Gaza operation, in the ghosts are involved in something and that information was passed along to the militias for this success.

That is how the militias knew to engage in this operation. This is how the militias saw the drone, in they did not see it. They knew the time the radar was ordered to stand down and that is when they struck as the defenses were down. For that matter in consideration there might not even have been a US drone. It could all be a cover up lie, as this was something the CIA was involved with, with the Pentagon and probably London and Tel Aviv, and it happens so often that no one blinks at this kind of order.

Like all Lame Cherry exclusives, I'm betting this analysis is closer to the facts than what people have been told.

As this blog stated, this is Tower 22, there are at least 21 other towers operating with the same shell game that no oversight ever is present.. Centcom knows, the DIA knows, the CIA knows, and it is a given that Amman, Tel Aviv and Moscow knows what was going on, and whoever it was who provided the information for the militias.

Nuff Said
