Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Writings of Intellectuals not Inspired

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to share something with you, which you will be too lazy to read, but it is the Talmud, not in Aramaic, but in English, as I know all of you have never read more than a passing quote of this book,

The Talmud is not Scripture. It is not Inspired. It is a Jewite, Benjaminite and Levite commentary on Biblical Law, Torah, in exiles who were divorced from God, and the elites and intellectuals saved for the Babylonian court, survived and displaced as the diaspora, began a process of discussion which became Ashkenaz or Asian influenced in later commetary about Christ in those Jews who hated Him and rejected Him.

The Sanhedrin which tried Christ, is in the Talmud and it's workings for trial and execution. It is INTELLECTUALS debating what is Jewry and what is Law.

The Lame Cherry is going to give you an example of what this is and what is focused on as teaching or holy that sets "Jews" apart from others as superior. The Talmud is filled with this intellectualism which is quite ignorant.

The following focuses on whether deaf people can recite a blessing after a meal. This may strike a Christian and everyone else strange in this debate as why would a deaf person not be allowed to pray to God. The reason in an ignorant scholar was that the command was Shma Ye Israel or HEAR ISRAEL, and as the deaf can not hear, some ignorant forbade a deaf person from praying a thank you to God. While other intellectual Jews argued that one hears in the heart, as Christ taught, so it was acceptable for a person who was deaf to pray.

This sounds bizarre and it is, but it is raw, it is what was taught generations ago, and then argued about, equal to the Vatican of Rome debating Copernicus in the earth rotating around the sun or what the Muslims have engaged in, in suicide bombers, all nothing a normal person would accept or promote because of the facts, but this is what the Talmud is, in overtaking the Law and the Prophets, which are the Old Testament.

As a Protestant Christian, there is a far better doctorate by an Inspired Jew in existence than the Talmud, and it defeated the Talmud and made the scholars and intellectuals flee, in the Inspired writings by the Holy Ghost in St. Paul of Tarsus, a Roman Jew, who was one of thee most educated and schooled minds that the world ever produced on Jewish Law and the Prophets. You will find all of these teachings in the Letters of Paul to the various Churches and His disciples in the New Testament. All of which make the Talmud exposed as a dinosaur in an era of modern man.

Megilla 20 a

Yes beyond discerning what a waste of time the Talmud is compared to Christ Inspired writings in the New Testament, the Talmud is archiac and dead, because none of it is written by Inspiration from the Spirit of God as Protestant Christian writings are. It is though an insight to those who would without being influenced by such Ashkenaz debate of "angels on pin heads" to what a brainwashing of sub evolved, self delusional  thought process, a conditioning of. "Our Rabbi's are genius for their thinking", when the Rabbi Christ in a few words explained what the Talmud takes in volumes which cripple minds from ever being able to think.

Yes I do the work for you and you relax in your luxury. It is the way it is, and you will regret this when the time comes for reward.

Nuff Said

