Friday, February 2, 2024

If Lloyd Austin were a Man with Principles He would Resign

As everyone can attest I'm dying of rampant cancer which has not yet manifested in examinations.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The facts of Lord Austin's complete critical medical situation still have not been admitted too and while being a liar, Lord Austin is not taking complete responsibility for his subterfuge, because if he did, he would resign.

“I want to be crystal clear, we did not handle this right. I did not handle this right,” he said. “I should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. I should have told my team and the American people, and I take full responsibility.”

The worst of this is this Jimmy Kimmel Team Biden fellow traveler excuse makers and the worst is Austin's Deputy Secretary who was on vacation, summoned back, told nothing of why she was put in charge, and worse yet, never questioned the order, knowing Russia could launch nuclear missiles, North Korea could launch nuclear missiles, Iran could launch nuclear missiles and there would be a delay as Austin was incapacitated.

It is evident by the inept bombing of Yemen, which Austin ordered from his hospital suite, that his mental facilities which were 85 IQ have degraded to 50 IQ with a finger on the nuclear trigger.

Once again though like Obama, it is going to be the forces of nature which deal with this situation, as Lord Austin has cancer, severe cancer which was cut out of him, and it was so severe he lost considerable weight. This blog still maintains that Austin's heart problems in the Black Man Disease have not been admitted to and in this, nature will cull this unfit fellow traveler as the medical reality is certain.

Lord Austin has cancer. What manifested the greatest was prostate. The cancer is still rampant in him, as he took the vax. The vax dose he had injected had broken DNA and suppressed the body's ability to fight off cancer. This means the cancer in his body is surging, as prostate cancers do. To make a short story of this, the cancer will appear again in a spot, and by that time it will be in his brain. What is now surging in the turbo cancers is final stage brain cancer. The United States has a Secretary of Defense with nuclear authority who has brain cancer in the early stages. He will develop tumors, he will lose memory and awareness. He will become an invalid. He will go blind, and he will die as this last stage vax cancer of the brain is as unleashed as what my Beloved Uncle was killed by, before all of this vax mRNA appeared, so you know they have been testing these strain since 1997 AD in the year of our Lord.

Furthermore, the cancer he had stunned doctors in it exploded when given chemo. It RESPONDED positively to what was supposed to kill it.

I have not inquired as Project Star Link would as to how long this will all be, but it is a fact of what these cancers are. They can  cut it out, they can nuke it, but that vax suppressed the immune system and the last stage of all VANCERS is brain cancer which incapacitites. It will be more rampant as Austin is an old man and by his best made up photo, you can see this cancer recipient is dying.

Nuff Said

