Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Red Sea Smelting Pot

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I sit here typing this on November 28th, the Holy Ghost I believe is whispering to me a reminder about other things that I bitch about as I really do not like the constant Red Sea moments which God has me involved in, with the army behind me, the ocean out front, and I'm supposed to trust in the Lord with a little staff to part the waters and for me to get to safety.

A lead smelting pot might not seem like allot in Red Sea moments, but I deal with people who can not find that donate button and expect me to do this for nigger wages or just for their benefit as it is amazing that their bills get paid, but mine are supposed to just sit there, which gets very anxiety prone as with this vax brain people have now, it is almost impossible to get things done from people who need to get things done.

So this started out with brass cases from JYG which we sorted through and my asking about lead wheel weights and JYG started saving them and he actually had a couple of pails of lead which he sold me.......and he often keeps the weights he knocks off of wheel rims as he sells the aluminum and keeps the tires. That is another story, but JYG is good to us times 1000. He would be a good lesson for most of you.

So I first got some cast iron pots to melt lead in from a consignment store. JYG's pot was better as it was free in being tossed in with stuff we did buy. So I got a turkey fryer burner from him too, a Lee lead mould for 50 caliber......these are all projects I would get done if we had money, but they are start and stop for several years, and this installment ran about 6 months.

So JYG is off hauling in junked cars and we peruse the recent junk offloads and there in a tote is this handle sticking out. I thought first it was JYG's floor jack as he built a handle for it out of metal rod and it looks nice. It helps him tow the the thing around so he does not have to carry it.

I pull it out.........and it is a cast iron pot with pour spout with this long handle. It is a metal smelting pot that someone built or bought long ago and is exactly what I wanted, but could never afford or find.

So 6 months into this God Inspired saga, I have my smelting pot with long handle so I do not get burned and all things kept away from the pot so they do not get burned either. I doubt that there were over 1 of these in the region and of course by God it happened to arrive at JYG's and JYG I'm certain knew what it was, stuck it into the tote, knowing I would find it and put it up by his house to get it.

With this pot, I'm the non paying customer, as he said I could just have it. He was bummed as his puppy is really sick, he was sick that day too, and a good deed will help the Lord and I pray JYG recovers and that God works out a solution with the puppy which can find comfort in.

The above is not my smelting pot. I did not have time to go take a photo of it as had too much to do and was too tired in having to take a trip today or waiting on the phone call to go pay another bill.

God knows in most cases I do not have 6 months. Most times I do not have 6 minutes as I have been praying on stuff for years. Is just God being good to me as God is good which I do not understand as Jesus said to not be building houses unless you had the funds and I don't do things anymore figuring God will provide later. Have a dead Libby to prove that was not the way to go.

Is odd to me in the big things I constantly pray for, results are trying, but God in Heaven knows some hair of a dog smelting pot is in some shed rusting away, and He makes sure that He guides that person to toss it to JYG, guides JYG's steps to put it where I can find it and He guides my steps to find it.

That is allot of inventory work for God, but that is the Way He does things. I highly appreciate His Treasures and I would highly appreciate the other things I have necessity for so I can not be so on edge all the time.

Nuff Said
