Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Techno Colonialism

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In what has been thee most successful destruction of Germany by the Junior Wilsons in Donald  Trump and Joe Biden, Germany's economy is now kaput and it is visiting the ghost of Adolf Hitler in building a nation built upon slave labor and this case Germany desires America to steal 300 billion dollars in Russian funds, and give part of it to Germany to make the "oil of Germany", the Kiev consumer consumption of bombs and not gasoline for endless war.

At the heart of this now is the Techno Colonialism being unleashed upon Germany by the United States rather work and faulty defense industry for Pentagon profit. At the heart of this is the suicide bomber the F 35, which is nuclear prone and flies one way into Russia in a nuclear war and the pilot dies in Russia.

This is one of thee most bizarre weapon systems ever in a world of AI machines that use humans as expendables.

In this, the Germans have American nuclear warheads stored for their jets to fly into Russia, at a rather closely compact massive bomb crater waiting to happen at:

Büchel air force base

This concentration of munitions and bases is not exactly Adolf Hitler prudent. Several Russian conventional hypersonic missiles could blow the facilities to the moon and more to the point bury the American nukes meant for German pilots. This is beyond stupid as the German military has messed up their funding requests as the entire base must be rebuilt for these F 35's, and into this techno colonialism, just like in America, it is the conglomerates who have to service these creatures of disrepair as the F 35 is to complicated to keep flying. It will cost Americans trillions of dollars in this scheme to keep these suicide jets flying, when America has unmanned advanced fighters which would be of better financial benefit, but this like the Obama American power grid is not about what serves the public, this is about the feudal few raping nations.

If you look at the above photo, the German nuke base has one runaway, and it's jets are all in one bunker. There is not any NATO nuclear deterrent. A Russian demo squad could negate all of these bases from England to Turkey in a half hour with blasting rigs. This is just incomprehensible that these global geniuses have not anyone telling them they were naked, because they are naked idiots.

Europe is nothing but a group of Nuclear Darwins who will go the way of the Dodo. As the French general staff recently was reported to have stated, "The French are cheerleaders in their army compared to the soldiers of Russia".

In witnessing the klusterfuck above, the United State needs to get out of Europe completely. It must stop making policy on what Tel Aviv dreams of in the Mideast, and secure peace with Russia in cooperation, as wokeworld is not the Germany of 1939 and America is not the invention of 1940 which Frank Roosevelt hijacked for London Banking.

If the United States does not policy shift to emerging powers, America will be suckered into another world war or be stuck with these European sucklings for another generation and America can not afford this no more than conglomerate socialism.

Nuff Said
