Tuesday, March 19, 2024

one upon a war

You are planning a war and did not invite me?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across this dichotomy or if you look up the word in the dictionary, Mitchell Henderson's name is in the verbiage.

This is a Too be or not Too be question. It is the Mahabharata, can a man lose himself if he gambles himself away.

Before I make your head's hurt, the question is, "Can America have a Civil War and World War at the same time?"

Mitchell Henderson

A Likely Scenario for Civil War and WW III

Never mind that I have proven we have already had 3 world wars, the 7 Years War was the first, The Great European War was the second, World War II was the third, so we are working on the fourth. That is Albert Pike speak as he was born after the first and people tend not to pay attention to divisions of the world before they were born as nothing existed before placenta gushers out of your mum's womb chamber.

This is a debate point really. But first, something really important from Anne.

"Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" Isaiah 2:22 

That is God's Way of saying Trust in God and not men. I actually first heard Put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men, in Nero Wolf. I think William Conrad portrayed him and the Inspector was John Hillerman before he became Higgins on Magnum PI. I always like Ellery Queen too.......that was Timothy Hutton's dad who portrayed him, very good series that never lasted, but was every bit as good as PBS starring Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes.

Now where  was I?

Oh yes, mocking Mitchell Henderson as he really needs to get both oars in the water and challenged as he is like that Inspector Lestrod from Planet of the Apes......not of Mice and Men, no that was For Richer for Poorer, no that was Les Miserables.............sorry TL just corrected me as Lestrod was in Robert Downy and Jude Law in Guy Richie's Sherlock  Holmes and that was Geofrey Rush who was the bread Inspector in that one upholding the law like a Pharisee.

No we are not mocking Mitchell Henderson as he is a kind of misquoting Christian brother adding the things to the book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to the plagues will be added to him, we are just pleased that we have a debate point question in Can you have a Civil War while in a World War?

I personally think you can, as Jews and Marxists, one and the same blew up Germany under the Kaiser in the Great European War and we all know what a losing proposition that was, except for the traitors who made out pretty good until that Adolf Hitler popped up and they all disappeared down the Gestapo hole.

It is worth debating though as when is a man when he is a woman, that though is satan insane in all this woke stuff, because a man is a man and a woman a woman and all else is a Darwin crime against nature as nature only makes two sexes in humans.

It is up to you to debate me as your side is that you can not have a Civil War during a World War. As we have had 3 world wars,  except for that German and Italian thing of traitors, you really do not find examples of Civil War in World War, so you have a good talking point in that as history does not bear that out as except for like some guy with a sword sticking it to the king who lost a war, and trying to find favor or power for himself, you really do not find allot of intranation war when internation war is taking place.

Maybe I should get myself invited on Rense and debate the Mitch in radio person. My  tactic would be this. I would tell people about donating, then declare the Mitch the victor who should write it all down in a book as the Mitch has lots of fans out there who for some reason like Frosty Wooldridge and that forgettable whiner from North Carolina whose name I forget and all appeal to people who are living 40 years ago in their brains and think what is being discussed makes a difference now......ok can you have  a civil war in a world war.

I think you can and it can be fun as the police are too busy to Jan6 you, so you can haul ass on the people who are your enemies, that is not really civil war, that is more like guerrilla warfare like the French did to the Vichy. So you can have a rip snorting good guerrilla war in a world war as that seems to be popular.

Wir haben uns alle schick gemacht und jetzt gibt es keinen Krieg mehr.

I think we should just not debate this really and just do it. The Jews need to set off a fake nuke in Tel Aviv and then vaporize everyone over there as victims again. America certainly has enough George Bush invaders funded in now from China and Mexico, that America could have a Civil War. Am sure that Russia and China seeing that, would more than be happy to join in, in invading Europe and Asia. Throw in a few more nukes in Pakistan, India, Iran and Saudi Arabia and we could watch it all at night with everything glowing. The only way we will know is if the people in power stop being such feckless wonders and just do it.

I apologize, I have to go be wowed by the Mitch as I can only dress up for a party and know nothing about how to plan one. I want to know how all of this starts as Jesus just says He brings everybody to Armageddon and they just have a world war.

Nuff Said

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