Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dr. Netanyahulove

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm not going to waste time here with long posts as the history of Tel Aviv has been one which exploits any situation, to gain weapons or war from the District of Criminals. In the Persian retaliation against Tel Aviv for blowing up the Iranian embassy in Syria, the Ashkejews were running a bluff of leaked information to Dictator Biden, indicating F 35's were ready to launch in escalation in an attack upon Iranian soil.

The Dictator "talked them out of it" but Tel Aviv was angling for a wild card it could play to force America into another war. In this, we know certain realities of the Iranian attack. Iran retaliated with small budget weapons in mostly drones, to which Tel Aviv shot down them all, but burned up millions of dollars in munitions. Offshore, American missile interception ships shot down most of the Iranian hypersonic missiles. Some got through and did some damage to air force bases.

The Jews have nothing which can stop the hypersonics. America can stop most of them at great cost, but the reality is that Russia and China monitored all of this in detail and are aware of the vulnerabilities in the best American systems.

The caveat in this is, Tel Aviv just like the war against Saddam Hussein, is going to get a war with America involved directly with Iran. Mosaad will usher in his phase, as certain as Tony Blair and whatever Prime Minister from Tel Aviv fed Americans faulty data to George W. Bush so he would attack Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

There will be an attack on American proper, the FBI already fingered the Iranians and Venezuelans coming into America, so with Lee Turban Oswald playing patsy cakes, Iran will be blamed,  Tel Aviv will get America into conflict with Iran and Tel Aviv will sit on the sidelines again collecting the spoils.

Expect an attack or attacks inside the United States to prosecute this along. You have been alerted that either the eruption happens in the Mideast or the caldera will be unleashed against America again to achieve the results.

Meet you on the other side.

Putin - 'If The US Wants To Come To The Field To
Support Israel, We Will Not Sit Idle Here, The
Smallest Attack By The US On Iranian Soil Will
Force Us To Support Iran...'

I was reading my files the other night and the Bavarian seer, the Farmer of Krems stated that before the last world war erupts, there will be a direct confrontation over Iran in the Mideast between Russia and the United States and the woke Americans get their asses kicked in a major humiliation and retreat.

The United States has no ally in Tel Aviv nor in Jewry. Victor Ostrovsky who was a Mosaad whistleblower stated those facts in Tel Aviv uses ignorant Americans who think a friendship exists, but the Ashkejew has no friends, only goy to exploit.

Bidencon will pay with blood money over this talking down this F 35 stunt. That was thee intention from Tel Aviv from the start. Netanyahu is not insane. He is quite a messianic zealot with a driven agenda. The blood libel in this is the expediency of one Jesus dying for a nation. As Biden is blinking on Jewkraine in the Obama shift to China war, and as Biden is blinking in not being the attack dog led around by Tel Aviv, the next phase is this will follow the same historical staged events as before. America will be offered a terror attack which it can not refuse.

Long ago, Russia signed a defense pact with Iran. There is legal authority in Moscow to protect Iran  President Putin has drawn the line in the sand. America bombs Iran. American bases and ships will become targets in the Mideast. You will be looking at 25 dollar a gallon gasoline if you can get it.

The Tel Aviv pound of flesh in this is the Iranian nuclear facilities which are an obsession with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Tel Aviv is going to force a way for Bidencon to either provide cover for them to hit Saddam Hussein II nuclear facilities in Iran or they will force America to hit these facilities with long range bombers.
This is what will produce the shift from the Mideast volcano to the American caldera and it will be instigated out of Tel Aviv.

As the Russians have assessed this correctly, this will happen before the 2024 installation elections in America in November. The time frame in this will be June to October. Donald Trump is about to force peace in Ukraine by handing over land to Moscow in a Jan6 abandonment of Zellinkyy. Do not forget that Jared Kushner, rightly produced the Abraham Accords of land for peace in the Mideast. Netanyahu lied to Kushner about agreeing to it, and then used Gaza to blow it all to hell. Trump will let the Jews holocaust Philistines to get things mopped up, but Trump is not going to be bent over again in being robbed of a Mideast Nobel Peace Prize by Netanyahu's love for the atomic bomb warfare. Tel Aviv has to deal the Iranian solution before the November elections.

If you are interested what would have been a possible Henry Kissinger solution to this with shades of Bill Clinton allowing Pakistan to build a nuclear bomb for Saudi Arabia, what should be done is this.

Produce an understanding where Pakistan gives nukes to Iran to vaporize the state of Tel Aviv. In the meantime reach closure with Russia. Give Russia not just Crimea and Donbass, but most of Moldova and southern Ukraine in Odessa.

Divide Ukraine up between Hungary, Poland, Romania and Russia, with the Russians getting a land bridge to Kaliningrad.

For Poland's lands in Ukraine, give Prussia back to Germany.

What is left at Lviv, is the renewed homeland of these Ashkejews as this is where they came from. Tel Aviv is nuke polluted, so resettle this convert Jewry back into a landlocked Ukraine.

Turn the Holy Land over to the Vatican and the European anti Christ and wash your hands of it all.

Leave NATO as it is, with a written agreement that no more expansion toward Russia.

As the US economy is a fraud, hand out grants to every American to build a luxury fallout shelter and stock it. It will spur the US economy to growth, and when America is nuked, thee Americans will live and these invaders will all be fertilizer with nuclear fallout to grow wonderful crops..........that is what the US Air Force stated, nuclear bombs are good as they produce fertilizer for better crops.

Pull the plug on this Tel Aviv death match or death will come to the United States.

Nuff Said
