Sunday, April 28, 2024

Fuck Off Donald Trump

Here have a piece of cheese.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

The Lame Cherry is going to expose an Achilles Heel of Donald the deserter Trump in his campaign and it is sabotage within. This is a Lame Cherry exclusive and if Deserter Don had any sense he would pay me what he owes for writing the original time line for putting him into 1600 Penn and to tell him what is going on with his DIA campaign in who they are in bed with.

My Congressional Representative betrayed Americans on January 6th, and I swore off all politics and put a stop texting me on my phone as I had had it with their phone calls to tell me to join in on some group speak for the trolls who adhere to GOPliters.

As the GOPliter left, like all of your politicians, they took my contact information and sold it to that whore Katie Walsh, who has been making like 3 million a year with her husband selling all of our data in this money laundering scheme of the RNC sells it's data to the Walsh marketers, who sell it to Trump sphere and other trolls who then clog up our phones with these fucking text messages from new Goddamn phone numbers, usually several a day. I send STOP on each one and it says they stopped and I can start them again which no sane person ever would.

Here is the thing. I just got one this morning while I was standing there and I immediately sent STOP. Now understand the GOPliters are firing off millions of these political marketing texted at a time from their rather expensive computers in their huge frame servers.

These state of the art computers can process millions of texts instantly as that is how they send out texts on the huge systems of Verizon and ATT. I have sent STOP often enough that I will stand there and wait for a reply as I usually do it hours after the initial call, and as you have done this on your phones texting others or doing some Tracfone shit, you know that a reply on data or whatever replies in about as long as it took you to read this sentence. Today though I stood there waiting and a reply did not come.

Granted it took over a minute for the reply to arrive, but do you realize in billions of bytes of information and millions of texts on gigabyte tetra speed frames how much STOP messages were sent in the first moments of that text like the one I sent? Donald Trump is paying Katie Walsh a fortune to do this shit, and by the lag in the reply, it means that millions of people were instantly telling Trump to FUCK OFF as it took almost 2 minutes for the high speed servers to process this much instant phone activity to slow down something that functions faster than  wink of an eye.

Now every person is not on these lists so this is a concentrated Republican group in the millions, and it would conclude that millions of Republicans are being pisssed off several times a day with these fake Walsh generated messages from Ted Cruz, Don jr or whatever other whore is pimping it up for Trump.

Millions of people who voted for Republicans and Trump are being antagonized by Walsh daily and are pissed off in not wanting anything to do with Trump and it is being reinforced constantly. These people are NEVER going to vote for Trump and the piss trickle is going to spray out to these other GOPliters who are betraying Republicanism in this uniparty

That is what sabotage against Trump looks like.

If you doubt me as the fools you are, Donal Trump was just bitching about "protest votes for The Duece" as a wasted vote. Thee only reason Don the Deserter would be bitching about this is because the tracking polls are showing a huge swing in voters who were  scared when Donald Trump abandoned them to the Jan6 FBI hunt down, and now they are getting these Goddamn texts all the time, wasting their time on shit they want no part of, and every time these Goddamn fringe texts appear, the people are wondering what FBI list they are being put on as the texts are always inflamatory in people are being framed as extremists.

In a quick read of this, the sabotage of Walsh in the Bush Ashcroft clique is costing Donald Trump 30% of the vote. That is transferring to these GOPliters too. Want to know how they suppressed the midterms? That is how they did it in people were harassed by these frauds and reminded of Jan6.

Yeah Donald Trump is just a DIA prop. His entire entourage is NSA sock puppet handlers. What he has on the fringe in these skirts are all liberal hags. I could post an entire article on this, but I will include it here as I know the non donors are really wanting to make big donations to me but need a reason. Here is the reason.

You may have noticed that the Trump VP talk has stopped to complete silence. You don't see the Botox Bim Kristi Noem lifting her skirt nor anyone else do you? Why is that? That is why you in good faith are going to shell out the big donations.

When fag hedger Paul Sinclair ran his blackmail scheme to put Marco Rubio as the VP for Bush fam, the WORD WENT OUT, and that word is Mike Johnson pedo world of, "You shut up about being Vice President or Tucker Carlson threats of pedo porn appearing on your computer is going to haul your ass by the FBI into an orange suit. You be content with the offering you are going to get in some shit hole job, as Rubio is the sweaty crown prince and you are a gutter whore".

See I have noticed something out of South Dakota and it is playing out everywhere in this intel influence scheme of who gets what Trump position just like Mike Pence got on the ticket.

In 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, Noem cleared the decks of Republicans in her state. She specifically chose this ugly version of herself to unseat a genuine Republican. This skirt did nothing, but is now running for State Senate. Odd as the South Dakota GOPliters just redistricted all the areas, and there is a sitting GOPliter in that seat.

When Noem criminalized South Dakotans for protesting against Gaza genocide, the sponsor of the bill was this Ashkejew bill that the Botox Bim signed into law. Dean Henderson pay attention to this.

That sponsor holds the seat which the ugly version is going to take. Do you see the Tel Aviv pecking order here in Noem bends at the butt. She keeps her mouth shut about being VP as they have put her into another position. She leaving the governorhip, will require a new Lt. Gov. Who is going to get that spot? Why the Ashkejew sponsor would be appointed that position. And who gets the sponsor's seat? Why the ugly version.

This is stacked from the bottom up and South Dakota like all these former Reagan states are overthrown and Republican in name only. That is what is taking place all across America subtly and only the popular girl noticed. I'm not about to write about what is happening in my state as I do not need the trouble as I'm out of politics, but this is to inform you that this is from top to the very dregs. It is why Trump fired all the political handlers out of the RNC. They are going rid the party of anything that is in the least Republican.

While I do believe the fix is in for Donald Trump to make Rubio the Latinoid Dictator with sweat for free, Biden is having problems stealing elections with this young voter shit and the Tan and Black skins. Trump by the delay in the text responses and his bitching about protest votes for RFK has Katie Walsh generating a huge voter purge that election theft can not overcome.
RFK did all he could in bending at the butt for Tel Aviv to alienate right wing supporters and to alienate everyone with that Chinagirl spy he chose, but there is such a fleeing these ship for Dictator Biden and Deserter Don in the Obama coup against Biden and the same Bushfam Singer coup against Trump that shifting over 30% of the vote to not voting or voting in other areas is something these algorithms were not programmed to deal with and it becomes impossible to cover up in fraud elections.

Once again you learned more here in an additional post today of me noticing things than you did all year from your selected sources of brainwashing who tell you how bright you are as a primate chimping out.

Here is your piece of cheese.

Nuff Said
