Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lo Pressue Fallout Containment


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened upon this screen grab of the attempt to contain nuclear fallout in this age of Radioactive Roulette from DC, in an upper level low pressure has been generated to hold the nuclear fallout from Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas.

What is interesting is the massive heat being contained in the South. That is going to fry the South.

Also if you look at this map, The radiation is set to kill everyone in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta in a hot zone.

The jet though will plume the radiation from Washington, Colorado and Nebraska into a  pipeline over Iowa, Michigan, into Quebec and then down into Maine.

There will be widespread nuclear fallout, this is just the one hot field. The rest is going to move west to east in the South.

As I have stated, Russia is  not going to piss away 400 nukes. They will wait the 5 days, like Iran waited to retaliate on Tel Aviv in their own time, and when these winds stop blowing for the North, then they would strike and outwit HAARP. Rather elementary.

That is how you get two seasons.

On the more deadly side of this in weather, when you mix cold air and war air, on that line is going to generate super cyclones. They will track just south of the jet stream. HAARP continues this course with this Radiation Roulette, and America is going to witness state wide, literally, storms of that size with numerous tornadoes wiping out areas like Missouri, Illinois and Ohio, depending on where these storms set up.

What HAARP has done in delaying this drought heat, is going to generate a very large, and aggressive surge of air around June, which is  traditional, but with all the air pent up in the South, it will surge north quickly, and HAARP has been driving south with cold air..........so you will see huge storms jetting into the Canadian plains and probably into the Dakotas then moving into Minnesota in a very rough weather cycle, which will only level out with high heat drought..........not good for Chinese soybeans, but the things HAARP is engaged in will wipe out crops and life this summer if this continues on.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

