Friday, April 19, 2024



Hour Glass  Or Lust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had been contemplating something in why God is delaying or seems to be delaying wiping out evil people and Richard and Stephanie brought it up and it involved me to ponder more about this, and as of last night and this morning in prayer and thought, I believe the Holy Ghost has explained more in detail.

So by the Holy Ghost Inspiration, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What is time to God? Nothing really as God is timeless. Time will disappear. God is not on a schedule but He does schedule events.

The time line which I refer to as the Matrix is just a flowing energy with beginning and end. There is One Supreme Will and this is God's. He says things will happen and those things do happen, those are set events, like those in Prophecy.

There are many demonic and human events, even animals making choices which affect the time line. Events will generate and most disappear, because it still takes people to do things. In big events, people, even the chosen elite tend to be wimps in wanting others to do it, to be blamed, while they take the credit.

So God is the Overlord of Time.

The events which God states will happen are then makers in the time line. When God says the 3rd Temple will be built in the Bible, it will be built. That though is not a time marker as that event is fluid in what is to be done. We know other events are markers and I will present that to open your understanding.

I will name 3 markers. The first is that big water comet which appeared in Noah's day that I believe deluged the earth, the size of which forced water out of the earth to flood, it caused massive rains, and divided the one continent in the aftermath.

Noah was told to build an ark. This took years to build. He was 500 when he, his family and the animals entered the ark an God shut the door. He told people to repent, they did not. This was a very very long time in the making. The water comet did not just appear. It was out there and coming, and God knew it. So it was a marker event. He also knew when He told Noah to build the ark that the world was foul of people and no one would repent, but God in Mercy provided that time for people to repent. The world was already full of sin and rebellion, but it was not instant Judgment, because God had a marker event that He knew people would fall from the state of Adam and Eve in this period and He would destroy most of them.

The second marker is the Star of Bethlehem. It was in the sky in the sing of Judah for a long time. It appeared on Jesus birth and then guided the Lost 10 Magi to where He was months later. Herod murdered all children 2 years and younger, so this star was in the sky, for quite sometime. It was moving, as the earth was moving and when it stopped, it was most likely moving out of the solar system, the earth had caught it in it's orbit, so it went almost retrograde before it disappeared.

The Star was known by God as Jesus created it for that purpose. It was a maker event for another marker event in Christ coming at a specific time. This Star could not change.

The same is true for the 3rd marker in Wormwood, the star with others which will fall to earth in Judgment. It would appear that there is some dust cloud which blocks the stars, and that there are smaller meteors with this big meteor called Wormwood. God is not going to create all this, He already did. So Wormwood is out there and is on a course to collide with  earth, after the 3rd Temple is desecrated. as other major events unfold and are a part of this great upheaval of the rejection of God in the earth.

So these are 3 examples of markers which can not change. When we look around as Protestant Christians, we see what a Sodom this world is in the horrific evil and vile people. It is not like God does not see these things. He made the earth to have 6000 years of proving it could not govern itself, followed by a 1000 year Sabbath under Christ. That time has been reached, but God is not negligent, anymore than He was with Noah. God is not putting off destroying evil people, as they die every day. He just has that marker events to culminate all the events, befitting His Glory. Things do not end wimpy with God.

That is not to say that God is not involved in our lives as Christians in directing our steps. He is constantly. satan and the ilk murder and hurt people all the time. The reality is though that God protects all of us in this time line as we are life marker events. He pays especial attention if you are willing to have Him work through you, as I have noted in this blog. Then you become a precident event. You may not see people who hurt you dropping dead, but you are not dropping dead, because God is working through you.
In that, all do have a set time in this life, even evil people to repent or become so vile that nothing can be done with them Spiritually as they are fused. So God is working, but there are paradigms in this on many levels of you, the community, the nation, the world. Some things are going to be wiped out by Wormwood in global scale which is coming and are set events. What you eat for breakfast though is probably not going to change a time line in God's Judgment.

So God is delaying nothing. He already made Wormwood and He has other events like raising a Nebuchadnezzar to blot out Judah for being evil. Everything is in motion, and that even includes the reckoning and avenging on people who hurt us. You never know what these people's lives really are in turmoil hosting demons in their quiet moments as they have few quiet moments in they are running from themselves all the time. They are empty inside because Jesus and the Holy Ghost is not in them.

I'm not Jesus, but Jesus experienced all like you do too. He saw evil people in power getting away with things while poor people starved. That is what driving the bankers out of the Temple was in part in Jesus knew what they were. For Him, God avenged Jesus around 70 AD when Jerusalem was raped by the Edomites and sacked by Rome and everyone was sold into slavery. 70 AD a marker day for a nation at sin and against God in murdering Jesus.

We have directions in God in our personal lives to put things on God to avenge us and promote us, so we have Peace, His Peace, while God works things out on small scale and large scale. As I said, I'm not Jesus, and I have more than enough moments which I still am working on in cussing things, screaming at God about delays and suffering in all of this poverty and cold, that all of us do. I'm better at being shown things by the Holy Ghost, but even these words were a lifetime in the making and I still had to pay attention for days before the Holy Ghost generated what you are now easily reading as simple.

Even in knowing the above, I have contentment, but I still have generating in me, 'God I want to be avenged. I want to spoil the people who hurt me. How long is this going to take?" It gets better when the days are warm and nice, with God in all things which is my prayer. I have Faith though that God is Just and has the big events on schedule and that even in my grain of sand life, He is things in motion and will complete them all..........before the big events start.

Nuff Said
