Sunday, April 14, 2024

The End of the French Race


Bonaparte Macron est allé en Ukraine

Assis sur son poney

La Russie lui a mis un missile dans le cul

Manny aimait ça là-haut comme tous les macroni

Bonaparte Macron went to Ukraine

Seated on his pony

Russia  stuck a missile up his ass

Manny liked it up there like all macroni

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We could be witnessing due to these French socialist faggots the end of the French people.

Feb 23, 2024 ... Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed a deal in Kyiv on Saturday committing Canada to a $3.02-billion security assistance package for Ukraine ...

Fidel Trudeau soiled himself
When he saw this big Russian stiffy
A Kinzahl missile up his ass
Cauterized his anal fissure in a jiffy

Nuff Said

Jan 26, 2022 ... Taken from this video by Dana Spiadri:
