Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Russian Whispers on America's End


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The bad cop of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev rightly was condemning the new Ziongelical war package for Ukraine from Speaker Mike Johnson in the reality of causing 100,000 more dead Christian Slavs as Russia rolls up the Donbass line.

It was something the former President of Russia, and Barack Hussein Obama guy pal said in conclusion which was notable and worth pondering, as Russia is plugged into the same cartel  and Ashkejew oligarchs who whisper empire to everyone from Peking to the District of Criminals. The phrase which Medvedev unleashed was,

США готовы погрузиться в новую гражданскую войну

The context was  the United States was going to plunge into a NEW civil war. To be this precise, means the Russians have been assured by the cartel that America will be pushed to the political extreme. The Lame Cherry desires you to understand something this was not Birther Hussein Nigger Wilding and BLM with ANTIFA funded by Soros and Buffett which never got out off the ground as Negro Rampage is something the English always dreamed of, but never could fester to a sore past black rape erections.

The only civil wars which foment are STATE backed civil wars, meaning Lincoln's War involved Lincoln being installed by eastern finance, backed by European Rothschilds from London and Paris. Only with that were the Confederates pushed by the Europeans to secede and Lincoln then deployed federals violating State Rights.

For the astute, what Medvedev is saying is the bell is tolling for America. He has been told this would happen, in a civil war is going to be ushered in and it is not going to be instantly, but he hopes this new civil war which is promised will begin quickly as possible.

Now what does this mean, meet you on the other side.

Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and current deputy chairman of Russia's security council, said the approval of new aid to Ukraine was "Russophobic" and would exacerbate "the number of victims of this war."

He also said on Telegram: "I cannot with all sincerity not wish the United States to plunge into a new civil war as quickly as possible."

We can see the metrics of this. The criminalization of Donald the Deserter. The alienating of Americans from both political parties. Economic rapine. Invasion by rape cock and Chicom nationals. The period of these WWE elections in senile Biden, in the prison Trump and divide and conquer Kennedy, in this socio conglomerate state out of control in sex perversions, has a people not backing what is government. The indications are that as you stupid children and brats are manipulated in the politics to get involved and criminalize yourselves, that there will be goats in Governors who are going to Kristi Noem spread their nethers to make you think you are secure enough to come out and join......the Texas National Guard standing against DC. That was the preliminary dry run.

I have written of the scenarios, but for the first time there is the revelation that Americans are being set up to be betrayed as with Lincoln. I'm betting a block of states in the majority in number, against the metro state dictatorships will begin this process from November into 2025. Medvedev has been whispered this and he in frustration repeated what is being planned.

The Lame Cherry read this wrong and had this manifesting in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord in the Lincoln European cartel repeat/

Jeff Rense keeps making the point that Americans will not rise up. As Hal Turner stated, Americans are not stupid in going to risk thing as they have comfortable lives. Only when the comfort is gone will Americans be prone to react. None of these people calling for protests are out waving shotguns around to lead.

In that Russia seems as comfortable as most in their Ukraine war profits. The key to any upheaval in America was shown by Jan6. Until the police state is nullified, no American has a chance or is going to risk being hunted down. That is what these state sponsored resistance matters. That is what Russia or China in their 5th columns could cause so much nullification that Americans would then come out and have to be duped into thinking their state leaders really were kosher and not all frauds.
While this is not advocacy on this blog's part, this is a historical examination, and the reason this DOJ FBI Homeland police state was created, was not against crime or terrorism, it was created to intimidate and deal with Americans in suppressing them. If Medvedev was as interested in saving lives in Ukraine, Russia would be neutralizing the American police state, so that this time the Confederates obtained victory. Oddly enough, it was the Czar of Russia who backed Lincoln, ensuring that the federals won in 1865 AD in the year of our Lord. Whether Russia has such backbone now to back Americans, remains to be seen, as Medvedev does enough blowing off words to gain attention.

The simple fact is that Jan6 was ushered in to prevent Americans from political control of their nation. The powers that be knew what element had to be suppressed and suppressed them. If Moscow and Peking countered this suppression, there would not be so much a civil war, but a societal reification whereby the people would emerge in a mode of thought politically like Democrat Grover Cleveland and Republican William McKinnley in shutting the door on the world and progressing Americans to prosperity with secure borders.

I remember GOPliter Dick Armey of Texas was so intent on gaining control of the Tea Party which was wiped out by political intrigue. There are already these Judas Goats who will emerge as on Jan6 who are glow worms to direct the flow of what the Russians have been promised will take place in America.

Create the Civil War and control the flow, on both sides as was the case in the first civil war in America. That is what the financiers direct and engage.

Former President Medvedev has been told a civil war is coming to America. Thee only way that will occur is with states sponsoring it as the people are not going to stick their necks out to be buried in a grave or ass raped in a prison cell so the unvaxed foreigners will take over more easily.

It is something to watch for in these Trump GOPliters. Do not take the bait and get yourself into trouble in whatever is going to happen, because when Medvedev has been whispered this, this is not coming from your grass roots love of America. This is coming from the globalist bank vaults.

This is why Russia has been patient. They have been told the cartel will begin an American Civil War again.

Nuff Said
