Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Twilights Lost Gleaming

 The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.
J. Edgar Hoover

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was an interesting development in two of the darling of the Chinese managed Southern Poverty Law Center in former FBI employee, Hal Turner voiced certain specifics that Americans will not revolt, because they are too comfortable and only when they are uncomfortable will they take action, and that one of the actions is to note all of these politicians who are allowing America to be invaded or other such things to erase and replace real Americans, and when the meltdown occurs to follow these politicians into their bunkers and make them unsafe.

I would have thought prison would have taught Mr. Turner a lesson in voicing things like this as the FBI shows up for old women praying in the US Capitol to put them into chains, but that is not the case as the words are out of the bottle for all to hear and what to prepare for.

This was stated on Jeff' Rense's program and he calmly backpedaled in not wanting his wild goose mansion and pond to be raided by the FBI. Mr Rense though did add to this in mentioning the French Revolution, which is the ala lantern,  as this blog has cautioned people not to get into trouble like going to Alipac sites and putting you on that surveillance list or if you are a vegan to not be listening to the non meat eating rhetoric which appears from Erica Kahn and become a terror vegan in striking back at the empire which Hal Turner is speaking of.

The Lame Cherry is a historian and that means I study history. The French Revolution happened because of British intrigue, just as Russiagate was the British to pull down America to where she is now.

In the French Revolution, it started as the mob without cake, hanging those who had exploited them in the regime. When a population though rises up, it does not stop at the political source which Mr. Turner is making lists of as are those who listen to him. People soon figure out that it is the people with the money who propped up the regime are the problem and they start to get hung from lanterns. Yes the Fortune 500 and the fag hedgefunders will meet their light pole by the mobs, but someone from Bodunk Arkansas is not going to go to New York or wherever for this necktie party. They will focus on the people who protected the invaders, employed the invaders and hung up on them on the phone when they called their local elite.
Reagan had a trickle down reality in economics. When it comes to the mob rising up, it is the flame up reality in the base catches fire and it starts killing those who locally intimidate them, once the police state is down and once the local law enforcement is hiding behind their walls.

As Theodore Roosevelt noted in his time in the West, there is something else which appears in American vigilantism and that is the vigilante begins with hanging the horsetheives and murderers, but like French aristocracy, there is not enough neck to satisfy the rope.
Soon enough, the guy who bullied you in a bar, the family who thought they owned your property being richer than you, to the kid who shoved your head in a toilet at 3rd grade, start getting their necks stretched.

Americans have long memories like elephants. Someone humiliated them by making fun of their pecker size or flipped them off in road rage, suddenly finds the same group on their doors, stringing them up on the shade tree on the front lawn.

This progresses to "I should have those nice things", and as this goes to that phase, people who have benefited from this rapine nation and have things, will be deemed partakers of the political polices state problem and their nice things will be in the hands of those who are now the policing order.

A study of this can be found at Gunfight at OK Corral. This is still being fought over, as the state trump card was Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday who made it legal in being federal marshals. This though was a feud of local militia in the "cowboys" carving out their own form of legal justice.
In Montana there was not a Wyatt Earp to clean out the vigilante and that is the half breed group who founded that state. In Arizona, the Earps having an bullet to fire at those who shot their brother and contended for control of that region were criminalized and lost.

America will face the same reality in this Hal Turner future. This blog has projected outcomes and has concluded that when it comes to "war" in this meltdown, that Russia, China etc... will eliminate the police state to free up Americans who will go Hal Turner. The cartel has no use for the police state after the meltdown as they are armed contenders, so this entire armed elite behind the badge and insignia will have their thin blue suit and uniform line shattered and then the natural predication of Americans will surface with vengeance. It will be no more a percentage than in the Revolution, but that is all it will require as the coddlers of invaders will soon experience what Ike Clanton told the bartender in Tombstone.  "Give them a rap on the beak and people shut up".

This will be the remnant of the White race in America which is why there has been such a focus to erase them. All parties either want them suppressed or unleashed. That is why they are the focus of all parties as they  are the card in this which will in the future come into play.

The gen is out of the bottle though in what Hal Turner expressed. People will now be remembering who did this, figure out where their mansions are, take on the deaf mute role, and bide their time for when the opportunity from outside forces succeeds in shattering  this system which William Colby was so concerned about at the CIA before he was assassinated over all of this.

As one can note, these types of incendiary phrases are now being allowed to appear from Donald the deserter Trump to others without the FBI hauling people away as this is part of the same Jan6 dragnet.

This is nothing people should be involved with. You should pay your taxes, observe the laws, keep your mouths shut and go prepare as a garden and chickens is going to deliver more people than guns and bullets.

Nuff Said
