Sunday, June 30, 2024

of maneuver and mobility

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

War is an evolution to victory and a devolution to defeat.

 - Lame Cherry

History has a remarkable lesson for the end times, in each phase of technology, new empires appeared, but in the end times, technology will be a Darwin mutation which will advance a more rudimentary DNA of combat.

When the first person who figured out that a rock was better than a fist attached to an arm, and that the arm could be extended with a handle, to give that rock more force, the club was born to skull crushing victories of the armed for the unarmed. Yes a key root word in this is arms. From that first use of mobility in German or maneuver in French, war has been static.

When the first long bow appeared, it ended the tyrant of the spear in brute force formations. One archer could kill hundreds at distance, be small, be not conditioned, because the arrow overcame human limitations.

Alexander the Great was an arrow, as he was mobile and faster than the Persians in their heavy massed formations. The universe changes and new empires are born when new devices appear to counter the last doomsday weapon. Yesterdays mass infantry, becomes the next epic heavy armored cavalry to smash enemy lines and shrug off long range arrows.
Fixed defenses in forts were the answer to siege and then the catapult and cannon appeared, which in turn smashed heavy horse cavalry and castle walls. Again the ability to extend the reach of the battlefield beyond death and destruction, produced the next victor.

War remained static for several hundred years, but invention again appeared in the form of long range cannon, coupled with machine guns. Then once again hiding in castles, this time in trench and bunkers, became a defense, but again evolution appeared in iron armored ships and tanks, and suddenly, fixed massive artillery was unable to hit moving tanks in mobility again won out.

When the first battleships appeared, iron clad and immune to attack, the doomsday weapon appeared again, until armor piercing shells and that new dimension arrived in the airplane which in evolution extended the battlefield in aircraft carriers and fighters, making battleships obsolete as once again evolution appeared in long range missiles and bombers, which made aircraft carriers dinosaurs of the ocean.

As you can see, evolution and devolution appear. The new technology of satellites, long range bombers, long range missiles, small drones, are all about extending the battlefield to murderous up close death.

The thermobaric bomb, the hypersonic missile, the tactical nuclear warhead are doomsday weapons of this era in they will blow holes in holding lines of battle and wipe out masses of trained soldiers or entire ships and air bases.

Examine though this technological warfare as even the layman can spot weakness. Satellites like Star Wars are formidable, but they lack maneuver even as they are mobile. They are dinosaurs like fixed fortress emplacements in space monuments to man's stupidity.

The one driving force in technology is it requires electricity for all in communication, to guidance direction to power. Remove electricity and this is all million dollar junk. Hence the blanket EMP is a countermeasure and when enough countermeasures are employed against technology which is vulnerable, then war devolves to defeat, no matter how superior the weapon.

Our next experience in warfare will be one of disruption of  technology, mission and supply.. One can not fight long range warfare with disruption. One can not use a million atomic bombs to eliminate 1 million snipers moving forward at 1 million different locations, as the cost, the manufacturing would not allow such a strategy. 

You may be able to kill millions of mosquitoes but millions of mosquitoes will eventually bleed you to death in those that get through, one drop of  blood at a time.

- Lame Cherry

I believe in the coming wars that this cartel that has usurped the United States and the West will lose horrendously in wars, as the wars progress as technology will degrade. One can kill millions of people out of billions of people, but when your ability to project force is degraded, then the billions left can beat you to death at your airbase with a club, like the good olde days.

It is the same maxim with nano bots to germ warfare. One can degrade the apparatus of supply by going small, but the equal and end result will be a stalemate, and in those surviving populations an immunity factor will appear and in the long run, the DNA of the more fit Darwin population will rise up to eventually club your skulls in as their numbers will breed to outnumber your numbers.

It is all warfare. There never is a super weapon. The same long bow of the ancient times is the same drone or missile of the modern same warring hosts. It was overcome and what is now the doomsday weapon will be overcome and it resorts to how this all started in Cain getting the drop on Abel and murdering him in the field.

Those few who think they will rule from the bunkerstate have inherited the futility of man in fixed fortifications. At this very moment, there are the same fungus and mold which drove cavemen from those bunkers with all kinds of death which will be lurking to kill these elite in their protective hibernation.

Warfare is more than clubs. It is the disease of the siege as nature employs a remedy in not allowing people to survive in the earth which is only meant for graves and decomposition.

Thee implements of war go hand in hand with the implements of nature. Something is always maneuvering war and mobile, whether a virus, a bug, a rat, to equalize what humanity has deemed is the ultimate weapon and the ultimate defense.

You will witness these lessons in what is coming to the point of your dying. There is nothing worse than having an immortal worm which does not die.

Nuff Said

Glitter and Gold (Remastered) - YouTube

Aug 18, 2016 ... Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Glitter and Gold (Remastered) · The Turtles It Ain't Me Babe (Deluxe Version) ℗ 2016 FloEdCo ...
