Saturday, June 29, 2024

Russian Skywalker

Authorities in Moscow said Tuesday they could not confirm reports that a Russian fighter jet downed an American surveillance drone over the Black Sea after Ukraine launched a deadly strike against annexed Crimea said to have been carried out with U.S.-supplied missiles.

Pro-war Russian bloggers claimed late Monday that a MiG-31 fighter jet “shot down” a Global Hawk reconnaissance drone over the Black Sea. An anonymous U.S. military official later denied the reported incident, according to Reuters’ Pentagon correspondent Idrees Ali.

To be honest, I don’t have this kind of information,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters at a daily briefing when asked to comment about the alleged downing of an American drone. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the Pentagon has denied a drone was downed by Russia in the Black Sea and glow worms were dispatched to provide comment cover that this event did not take place, the Lame Cherry will inform you the story of what really took place.

We must go back in time to last year, the US Congress began sounding the alarm that Russia had launched a satellite which was pacing a US Pentagon Satellite in low earth orbit. There were charges o nuclear arms  in space, but in short Russia put a weapon platform into near space to blow up Star Wars.

What this has to do with down American drones, has to do with what the British and Americans have been engage in since then in striking twice the Russian Deep Space Base at Vinoli. This is the radar communications center which will manage a space war against Star Wars. This is where that ATCAMS missile was aimed at again, and one of these ATCAMS or long range missiles either was intercepted and shot down or broke apart, murdering a host of Russian police and babies on a beach in Sevastopol, a real  terror event.

There have been bizarre bits of information in this coming out, as Russia summoned the American ambassador, a skirt named Lynne Tracy, who has a man face that only a blind mother could love.

woof, woof, woof

It was this confrontation which did not make sense as when Russia summoned the French and British, their ambassadors, tucked tail and ran.

What follows is the logical conclusion of the data.

America has been hiding behind terror events from Kiev. One of their top priorities is to shut down the Russian ability to neutralize GPS and Star Wars. America has been providing information from drones flown out of Sicily. In the links below, Gayway Pundit has stated this was a Reaper Drone, and not a surveillance drone out of Sicily.

That being the case, this drone came out of Romania, as America has armed drones in Poland and Romania. In translation, this was not just a US Navy drone flown out of an Italian air base in Sicily, this was an armed drone out of Romania which was downed.

Meet you on the other side.

The addition of five Alliance Ground Surveillance aircraft based at Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily has been a decade in the making for the U.S.-led alliance.

The RQ-4D unmanned aircraft, first ordered in 2012, is related to the U.S. Air Force’s Global Hawk Block 40 high-altitude and long-endurance drone, but modified to NATO specifications.

The remotely piloted craft can fly more than 30 hours at a time, which enables NATO to “cover the whole Euro-Atlantic area, from the High North to the Sahel, from the Middle East to the Atlantic,” Stoltenberg said.

“With five drones, we can monitor two regions around the clock,” he said. “They will enable us to monitor wide areas from the sky, providing a comprehensive picture of conditions on the ground at any time. They can even identify improvised explosive devices.”

Along with 14 Boeing E-3A Sentry early warning jets, the RQ-4Ds are among the few military assets owned by the alliance, rather than by its 30 member states.

The aircraft are available for alliance missions within NATO territory. The alliance can also send the drones beyond Europe’s borders if member states agree.

In recent years, the military bloc has stepped up its reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities, especially in areas where NATO has been concerned about potential Russian aggression. The U.S. has attack drones based in Poland and also in January began an Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone mission in Romania.

So Russia having piles of dead bodies on the beach, orders one of their SU 31 fighter jets to deal with this drone which coordinated this terror attack. While the Russian bloggers are reporting that the drone was shot down, I suspect that Russia  did a fly by with the SU 31, in making close contact, turned on their afterburners and the massive thrust crippled the drone.  The Kremlin does things like this, and using a jet engine is not firing a missile at a US military asset and downing it, as that is an act of war.

This is where the heated exchange took place. Russia was rightly laying blame on America for coordinating this terror event aimed at their Deep Space Command. The skirt was screaming in denials that this drone was not coordinating any attack on Russia, which was true as it was a Reaper Drone with bombs on it, so Russia brought down a US asset which did not have a part in this terror attack aimed at what could be called Russian Skywalker.

Yes it is Symantecs in the Russians probably shot down a ATCAMS missile, that got it's people killed which as aimed at Skywalker to kill Russians there, and in retaliation, Russia thruster punched a Reaper flown out of Romania. The question being what the hell was an armed Reaper doing flying in Russian waters? That is something the United States does not want to discuss in admitting that the Pentagon and London have been attacking Skywalker for 7 months to try and keep their super weapons in space viable.

All parties are not admitting to having weapons in space, attempting to hit the Russian platform and that Kiev Nazis are a cover front for all of this terrorism.

The Sicilian base is becoming critical and why Hezbollah is threatening to blow up Sicily as with a few drones they can cover everything from the Atlantic to the Mideast, including the Russian Black Sea. So when Russia has stated it will retaliate in time, as the Lame Cherry has suspected, Russia might go after the global array which communicates, spies on and runs these drone operations from the Five Eyes NSA in Australia to this base in Sicily.

This is what is taking place and all are denying what is taking place as none want a war starting between America and Russia yet. What one can glean fro this is what the Lame Cherry has stated in horses only being ridden at Armageddon. Pentagon tech war is going to end as the Bible is correct. This means the Russians have the weapons to blow Star Wars to high speed debris already in orbit.

This is one of the biggest stories and Mockingbird has put a lid on it with denials and lies. I had thought perhaps this was a glow worm denial in the drone turned off it's beacon, but the analysis the drone was crippled by a Russian trhust punch, sent out a distress signal and crashed somewhere, probably in Romania and no one is saying a word as that will bring questions of what are armed aircraft being flown out of NATO Romania aimed at Russia.

The ATCAMS and Storm Shadow can not target without American GPS. As long as the drones and other platforms are now intimidated out of the Black Sea, the issue is mute as Russia appears to have escalated in this theater to knocking drones out of the sky which is their legal right. Sometime this will project, perhaps in Hezbollah being coordinated  out of Moscow, a shutting down of Sicily as a base against Russia and allies.

To close this out, this is why huge nuclear positioning is being conducted in America and Europe. They know they have been trying to shutdown Russian Skywalker, and when that is admitted to, there will be a war with  tactical nuclear weapons and then a big war will begin. That is why all of these lies and diversions are being fed by the Mockingbird in the denials.

As this blog has stated, Russia logically to win, must shut down Star Wars. It has achieved the position and ability to end GPS targeting and the weapon platforms. The terror attacks against Russian nuclear defense is a trip wire by Moscow for nuclear war. Where we are at now is preparation, so NATO can not hide behind super weapons and Russian hypersonic, tactical and conventional weapons will not be wiped out by energy beams and rods of Thor.

U.S. says Russia probably put 'counterspace weapon' in orbit to ...

May 22, 2024 ... The U.S. government has assessed that Russia recently launched a “counterspace weapon” into orbit that could be used to attack satellites, ...

2 Russian satellites are stalking a US spysat in orbit. The Space ...

Feb 11, 2020 ... A Russian Soyuz 2.1v rocket launches a classified military satellite into orbit from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russian on Nov. 25 ...

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Luke, you have a very sexy Russian accent.



GREATGAMEINDIA – Italy’s Secret Role In Sevastopol Missile Strikes – GGI Exclusive

CONTROPIANO – E’ giallo su drone Usa partito da Sigonella e abbattuto dai russi

GATEWAY PUNDIT – WW3 WATCH: Kremlin Summons US Ambassador Over American ATACMS Used in Crimea Beach Attack, as Unconfirmed Rumors Say Russian MIG Jet Shot Down US Reaper UAV Over Black Sea



