Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thee American and Colonials as British Fodder


Field Marshal, General, Sir Bernard Montegomery
...after a day of using colonial troops as fodder.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It should be evident to everyone outside of NATO politics  that NATO strategies do not work against a modern military like Russia. NATO is a monument to stupidity in fixed defenses and the Pentagon is the same monument to stupidity with fixed aircraft carriers and satellites.

While the Lame Cherry has explored the fallacy of technological warfare, the reality is that once technology breaks down, this will revert to the old methods of warfare on the first dimension of land.

I had never really bothered with the manufacutured hero of the British in Field Marshal Bernard Montegomery, as the British needed something in their back seat incompetence in World Wars, as the Americans produced so many geniuses as Germany did. I will at this time as a teaching lesson in what the British accomplished in genocide of their colonial troops from Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. I will not bother with the Indian as they were worthless and their battalions disappeared in combat upon meeting German Panzers.

What the Lame Cherry will examine here is the North African War in Field Marshal Auchenlick and General Richie of the English and Field Marshal Irwin Rommel of the Reich Germans in what is a land war with air cover.

Rommel was a military genius like George Patton, like Alexander the Great. Their strategies were simple in mobility and bringing overwhelming firepower concentrated on a point to achieve victory. It sounds simple but the maxim is, "Plans are only good until the first shot is fired", then it is a combat General who wins the battles or as Napoleon said, "God fights on the side of the biggest battalions". 

Yes Napoleon had an ironic sense of humor in his satire.

What the Germans had was Panzerarmee Afirca and the British had 8th Army.  The British tactics did not evolve in they would bring up tank corps one at a time and mingle them with infantry which slowed things down, muddled things up and allowed the Germans with their inferior forces to smash the British 8th, one corp at a time.
That is a fact in Africa, in the Reich never had superior numbers ever to the English. Rommel only  moved his forces around, concentrated those forces and would smash the British all through Libya.

It was after the fall of the English Tobruk in Libya, that the English did some changing of the leadership. It was not General Auchenlick's failures, as he was urging concentrating forces and to attack, but it was his underlings who would not follow those orders, and the base of all of this was, the English colonials hated German armour with a passion. The Colonials were intelligent. They had been destroyed by German armour in Europe and in every battle in Africa. They did not want to commit suicide and be fodder for the Norman generals sending them to their deaths.

This is where General Montegomery appeared by appointment after the chosen general, Gott was killed in the theater. Montegomery had told the troops, "See here I have looked at the plans, and they were all wrong, and I have fixed them, and now we will win". That sounds good in propaganda and I have posted on them previously but if you look at the actual combat at Alamein, you discover the telling points.

When Montegomery appeared, Afrikacorps has been fighting years with limited replacements and supplies. Rommel had broken 8th army several times, but they were being reinforced by America and the Colonials.
The actual tally at Alamein was around 40 German tanks to over 400 British tanks. There were several hundred German infantry compared to thousands of Colonials. It was Custer''s Last Stand with 300 trooper facing thousands of Indian terrorists as an example.

But, for the record, the replacement Australians, and the established New Zealanders fought sharp battles, but even at this the German checked them and caused a stalemate.

As I studied Montegomery, his battles were by British box design. Box warfare is creating a defensive position of a square, no matter how small in an infantry unit or in battalions, this is a sound defensive posture. Montegomery though abandoned a chosen field to the Germans in this. His next venture was to stay in his lines and fire cannons.  By this time the Germans were out of fuel for their tanks, were dangerously low on ammunition and supplies. They were no longer mobile and tanks without fuel are just hulks of scrap. That was Bernard Montegomery's great victory, a German army which no longer could fight due to lack of supplies.

As Rommel soon left in being ill, Montegomery then attacked, and he was ruthless, but it was just in massive bombing by artillery to the fixed positions the Germans were trying to hold the line with. The Germans withdrew as it was prudent as Rommel hoped to regroup and resupply to engage in combat again, but with Malta rebuilt by the British to cut German supply, and General Patton appearing in west Africa, this ended the position of Germany in North Africa.

In all of this, Rommel had almost without an army, taken Cairo, and moved to the Suez Canal. The British Navy had moved from Egypt to Palestine. Like Russia, the Germans came exceedingly close without an army in winning.

So the fiction of Bernard Montegomery as a military genius is an invention. Historians used to ponder why Rommel after Alalmein never fought, In Europe with his army, he sat on his ass in the lowlands as Patton drove the Germans back. Montegomery not advancing is why the Germans struck at the Bulge and Patton had  to save Eisenhower's army in the winter. The reason Montegomery never fought is because he was afraid in he knew the Germans with any chance would defeat him. That is the reality in why Montegomery hid behind the lines and George Patton was forced to carry the war into Germany.

Bernard Montegomery once offered a ride to a child in England and liked telling the story about it. The child wondered about the uniform he was wearing and then asked if he killed people. Montegomery boasted that he had killed thousands of men. The child asked to be let out of the car as he recognized a psychopath.

Montegomery was a psychopath. After his wife died,he said, "Enough of this" and never looked at another woman. He hid behind Colonials to inflict the revenge on life he carried and he caused the death of allies and Colonials by his hanging back around the chateaus. 

All of this Montegomeryism matters because NATO is this hang around Brussels faggot crowd who expects 300,000 vaxed woke Americans to take on millions of Russians who have proven their military is of a genius on mobility and assembling firepower in concentration. Russia's communications are shorter than NATO's, and NATO countries are as inept as the British in using troops as fodder. They will not fight. They will flee.

NATO has 5 lanes to bring troops to Russia. Those lanes are going to be filled with millions of these Goddamn European socialists bravely fleeing west from the advancing combat line. Unless the convoys drive over people in a highway of road kill humans, there is not going to be any advance. Montegomery would have no problem in crushing Slavics under trucks as NATO has no problem for the Kiev Jewnazi in genociding all the Ukrainian Slavic Christians int that proxy war.

Once the technology erodes, this is all going back to land warfare, and vaxed Americans are not in numbers to fight and the Europeans will not fight as they do not like blood on their hands, unless it is anus blood from butt sex with raped children and homos.

This is what is coming. Russia will exploit the refugees fleeing west to clog up NATO lanes, and Russia will blow up NATO convoys to further clog up those lanes. NATO if this fight comes will make it to Sweden, make it to Prague and be a base in Italy. That is as far east as it will be able to deploy. It will be crushed there as the cities it hides in, before falling back in flight.

This is the Lame Cherry in another exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

