Friday, July 12, 2024

Advice for a DC Dictator


On Vulcan, Spock stole my combat move. That was the Biden Death Grip.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that Morning Joe and the Mika have taken the gloves off in this cage match coup against Dictator Biden, in image Obama is the one who slipped Biden the X Lax Punch to have Biden go down for the count, the Lame Cherry has some advice in this Obama soft coup for the widow Big Mike Obama.

First Biden staffers have to stop gong panic button and eating their own.

Biden Advisors Threaten To "Beat The Shit Out Of" Staffers Who Don't Keep Quiet

Biden Advisors Threaten To "Beat The Shit Out Of" Staffers Who Don't Keep Quiet

Biden staffers should not be losing hope.

The Lame Cherry will be honest a she always is. Dictator Biden can not win in November in what he is attempting, even with vote fraud again and trying to defeat Trump by defeating Putin. No one gets installed into 1600 Penn by being a foreign policy dictator.

Joe Biden has one enemy. It is not his friend Donald Trump (that is what Biden called Trump in reverse speech.) Joe Biden has one enemy, and that is the image Obama who is the entity bringing down this dictatorship.

The Lame Cherry will explain how Joe Biden wins this legitimately and mops the floor with his friend, Don  Trump.

Meet you on the other side.

Joe Biden has to seize the news cycles to turn it away from his being a geezer, to making war on Obama Inc. Joe Biden knows where all the Obama skeletons are buried. Joe Biden simply has to come out and tell the Truth.

The first Truth is, international communism created Birther Hussein Obama and stole a Senate election to install the Birther, and .......yes Barack Hussein Obama is dual citizen so he was never legitimate.
Biden knows that the globalists who backed Obama flipped 10 million GOP voters in both Obama stolen elections.

Biden knows that Obama Clinton destroyed Rod Blagojevich and Governor Cuomo as contenders to scoot Hillary Clinton into the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, election slot.

Joe Biden knows the deal which was worked on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord with Big Mike and comrades, where Biden was made acting president for the duration.

Biden knows it was the North Koreans who were behind the Boston Blow Job and it blew up in Eric Holder's face and they scapegoated Chechens.

Biden knows it all, including how Obama sold him the VP slot to shut up Lawrence Sinclair about that queer sex affair. Biden knows who knocked off Obama's homosexual black choir boy.

That dead chef in the Obama pond was supposed to have warned off Obama Inc, but it only made it more slithering determined.

Biden needs to come clean, crucify this messiah, and tell Merrick Garland and Chris Wray to arrest the Obama apparatchik or they will be fired.

No one is going to be talking about Geezer Joe Biden after that.

Before August, Biden needs to strike again, and boot Kamala Harris off the ticket as another Obama asset plotting against America. Every place Biden sent that skirt she created a disaster. Biden needs to lay the blame where it belongs and that means Kamala Harris.\

Now Dictator Biden can start clean. He can blame the genocides of Gaza and Kiev on the Ashkenaz who perpetrated them in that Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken. Biden names and blames every thing Americans are pissed off about in the lap of the perpetrators like Give Em Hell Harry Truman.

Biden needs to name Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate.

Hunter Biden is already the acting Chief of Staff of Joe Biden and that is what he needs. Hunter needs more power to take over this campaign and put the stick about to whip people into line. People in the left need to fear Joe Biden and those on the right will admire him for burning down the criminal house which is now attacking Joe Biden.

Biden needs to call in the markers of the Chinese communists and Jewish oligarchs who bribed Hunter Biden to protect the Biden crime family in this immense network of media and organized crime they control.

That is how Joe Biden wins this. He destroys his coup plotters, terrifies these wimps on the left, takes Biden family mafia control and in these stories, sucks the air out of all media so his friend Donald Trump will have absolutely no coverage.

Joe Biden needs to light this on fire and then he won't have to campaign. He can go to Delaware and lay in bed and let the victory come to him.

I know you are a Jew Captain, and I'm a Jew, but some things are 
bigger than us when the dictatorship of America is at stake.
You have forced me to enact the Biden Death Grip.
