Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Big Mammy Kamala Goes Radical


Big Mammy sayz......

I am the colour Purple

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Odd how Eric Ericson could not protect Donald Trump in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord and the following years, which led to the hunting down of millions of Jan6 Americans, to the threat which was out there, but now has awoke to the reality that America now has a radicalism, founded in Obama weaponizing of government and immigrants and Kamala Harris is the scion of this reproduction, which is aborting America.

Yes Eric that is all you did while Americans were put into political prison and Donald Trump was sidelined by your Paul Ryan GOPliters in MAGA years ago when this all could have been stopped.

Kamala Harris manifesto reads, "Get rid of the police, borders, laws, Americans and the freedom to choose.

You know who else advocated that? Birther Hussein Obama, Joe Stalin and Chairman Mao 

Nuff Said
