Monday, July 29, 2024

Bridge Over Troubled Water


Tom, get your plane right on time
I know your part'll go fine
Fly down to Mexico

Da-n-da-da-n-da-n-da-da and here I am
The only living boy in New York

[Verse 2]
I get the news I need on the weather report
I can gather all the news I need on the weather report

Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile
Da-n-da-da-n-da-da-n-da-da and here I am
The only living boy in New York

Half of the time we're gone
But we don't know where
And we don't know where

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.

I begin this exclusive in a song which was playing in my head for an addition to this, from Simon & Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water which most you have heard. There is another song on this epic album, a mournful ballad, The Only Living Boy In New York, and I was stunned when I clicked on the lyrics to discover the song is speaking to Tom, which in this is Thomas Crooks and you can hear the echos of Lee Oswald in his trip to Mexico before Dallas 1963.

It is redundant to say that none of this assassination, murder and shooting in Pennsylvania makes any sense, unless one starts underlaying intelligence operations in attempting to formulate the theory and projection why Thomas Crooks, who was an outstanding and brilliant mind as awarded by Black Rock in competition, in how this gamer kid ended up dead on a tin roof in Butler PA.

The Lame Cherry is going to attempt to fill in plausible blanks in this, to explain how someone would thnk they could crawl around on a roof, 50 yards from Donald Trump and never conceive he was going to get shot in the head.

The FBI under Director Wray is proving as unhelpful in evidence as in Russiagate or Jan6.or any other disasters in America going back to the Warren Report on JFK.

In this, I'm going to share a thought by Mitchell Hendersen which I raised an eyebrow over in he stated that the CIA had some woman sleeping with Thomas Crooks. My question now is the British press published a video of a woman screaming at Crooks on the roof in unction, appears to call him by name, and pleads for him to get off the roof and asks what he is doing up there.

Now this does not sound like a CIA asset, this does sound like a woman who may be a fellow traveler. I suspect this woman might be PHONE #2 which went silent the day before.

Crooks was said to  have 3  phones. One was his. The 2nd went down after being in PA and the 3rd was making trips to Chinatown in Washington City, near an FBI office. That is 3 people in this loop.

We know Mr. Crooks was a gamer. That is a community which has spawned geniuses like Elon Musk and others who have ended up dead in public venues in high profile stories. Gamers are a genius group. This appears to have been an NSA funded nursery of like minds who would be recruited. For Thomas Crooks to end up on a Black Rock video and win awards, points to he was noticed by the intelligence community. No this was not MK ULTRA, but it was not JD Vance either being groomed at Yale, hedgefunds and fast tracked to be Vice President.

So what has been presented is Thomas Crooks was quiet, intelligent, and part of this NSA group of the cultivated gifted to be placed into a slot for future use.

I'm going to provide an unsubstantiated scenario, on the few facts we have. I will note that if there was one Thomas Crooks, there were a dozen others across the country in the same grooming process.

So online gamer Crooks with few social skills is contacted by a shepherdess who confirms all the good in him which no one sees. I would mention that I had a glow worm appear these past months from a site after Jan6 that there was not anyway this site could be operational unless it was DOJ run. All of this is out there and it probes as that is what it is paid to do.
So let us say this skirt soothes the hurts of Thomas Crooks, and let us say that the people who run these programs, note how compliant and malleable Crooks is, so this is moved up to "introduction phase". We call this Phone #3.

The conversation would be like most of these tard recruitment that Crooks is special and Crooks has a place and in the end, Crooks is part of this group to save the world from the bad guys. It makes Crooks feel special and he stops thinking and starts moving with the flow.

This all has to be secret as it is national security and people in high places who are going to cause problems for the world. Crooks is directed to do research as a danger will surface in Pennsylvania and as Bethel is only 2 hours from Butler, Crooks is in perfect location to be part of this elite group which needs him.

The Secret Service has created holes in this venue and Crooks is assured that while police are there, he will not be stopped.  What takes place happens exactly as Crooks was told, affirming that he is protected and part of the good guys. Crooks can not though help but post on his gaming platform that he is going to PREMIER on July 13th. His premier as part of the super hero squad, but like Clark Kent he will return on Sunday to his normal job as he told employers as he can not blow his cover.

So Crooks buys more ammo, buys a ladder, brings his rangefinder, is scoped by the SS snipers, the cops leave him alone, and it all proves to Crooks he is part of the super heroes and protected.

He flies his drone around, makes reports and feels invincible as he is on the good guy super hero side.

He finds a SS ladder on the building he is supposed to take position on. His contact with Phone #2 is broken as he goes to his car to obtain his open sighted rifle. Returns and crawls around on the roof. No one shoots him as he is on the good guy side.

Then comes the time in the Trump speech that all the shooters are told to open up on. There is not enough data nor evidence to know if Crooks is firing at Trump, others he thinks are the bad guys, if he has been told to fire blanks to foil this assassination attempt, or if he is firing over the crowd.

If Crooks thinks he is a good guy, then Phone #3 as reported by the New York Post is on an angel somewhere behind Crooks and firing at Trump. The Post says this is a Chinese and is shot dead.

In an interesting statement FBI Director Wray testifies before Congress that a drone recovered from Crook's vehicle was not flying over the stage or rally area, but was flying before thee event 200 or more yards away, perhaps live streaming. This is the distance where the New Yokr Post states the Chinese shooter was and put down.

“[I]t appears that around 3:50 PM, 4 o’clock, in that window, on the day of the shooting, that the shooter was flying the drone around the area… Not over the stage and that part of the area, [but] around 200 yards, give or take, away from [the stage]. We think, but we do not know… that he was live streaming, you know, viewing the footage,” Wray added.

Speaking to the House Judiciary Committee about the assassination attempt, Wray confirmed: “We have recovered a drone that the shooter appears to have used… The drone was recovered in his vehicle.”

In this salvo we know the Fire Chief is murdered with brain matter on the  bleachers with allot of bleeding. This does not match a 223 bullet performance as they are designed not to exit in FMJ, hollow point or soft point form.

Donald Trump is wounded in his left ear.

In a reverse shot to Trump's left a bullet is seen hitting a derrick. Another bullet travels the let bleachers causing people to react as it strikes a man in white. Another man flinches after in a second bullet and a woman slumps down in front of the man in white.

Two individuals in the left bleachers look in the direction of the derricks in front of Donald Trump at a shot. None of these locations are in line with Thomas Crooks.

Meet you on the other side.

Rep. Eli Crane Reveals Crooks Home Was
Reportedly Scrubbed Clean Like ‘Medical Lab’
And No Silverware Or Trash Was Found In Home

Kim Cheatle Admits Secret Service Did Not
Keep Audio Recordings From Trump Shooting
Gross Destruction Of Evidence!

In this released law enforcement video, you will note Crooks as at the apex of the tin roof. It appears he has some bullet holes in his leg, without blood, meaning he was dead already. The blood is flowing away from him to the location of the AC and the Secret Service ladder.

You will note the water tower in the background. This does not appear to be a shooter location. If you do look to the blew dot PLAY though you will see a little white building. The Lame Cherry on Google maps projected that two locations or the Phone #3 shooter were present with line of site to the candidate. This church with steeple was one location and there is roof behind Crooks, both match the 200 plus yard report of the New York Post dead  Chinese shooter.

In every eyewitness report in the Post and in PA, there are places a shooter could shoot from which match the witness and not Crook.

At this point, this disappearing woman yelling at Crooks might have been to frame him or was a genuine surprise in his appearing there as that was not what this woman thought they were there for. Crooks though upon seeing a PA law enforcement on the roof, points his gun at him and the officer falls off the roof. Crooks might think this is a guy working against him, and as the Trump speech is at the point of the activation phrase, Crooks opens up.

By what Crooks told his employer in coming into work the next day, it appears he thought his mission was done. We do know for certain that Crooks was not a blood thirsty maniac, because he had a large clip on that AR 15, but he quit shooting after perhaps 5 rounds, when Trump disappeared in ducking down and behind the agents. If Crooks had a mania to get Donal Trump, he would have continued spraying that location.

When he stopped firing, it appears he received a bullet or two, to his skull.

It appears that the NSA nursery of gamers, that Thomas Crooks was taken notice of. He was groomed by two contacts, one of which was reporting back to Washington City. Crooks was shepherded to the location, directed on what was needed to be done for this operation, and exposed as the focal point. The reason for the projection that Thomas Crooks thought he was part of a group operation doing some good, is he looked at the snipers and they scoped him out. He thought they were on the same team and were not going to shoot him. He was not suicidal as he was going to work the next day. This was his premier where Clark Kent could be superman in front of the girl and return to being Clark of the geezer home the next day, the unsung hero.

This is the only thing which fits these odd bits of evidence which have been released by the DIA to indicate that the FBI and SS are lying. Thomas Crooks was acting like an idiot and yet he was not an idiot. He was acting like he had protection and was part of something much bigger.

I'm not going to get into the oddity of a deja vu in how Paul Simon in the 1960's wrote about a Tom in a composite of Lee Oswald in Mexico and Thomas Crooks part went fine as all the news he needed was the weather report as his drone plane flew right on time.

Tom, get your plane right on time
I know that you've been eager to fly now
Hey, let your honesty shine, shine, shine now
Like it shines on me
 (Here I am...)
The only living boy in New York
The only living boy in New York

As with all things, we are only ever going to have speculation.

Simon & Garfunkel - The Only Living Boy in New York (Audio)

Jul 7, 2017 ... The Only Living Boy in New York” by Simon & Garfunkel Listen to Simon & Garfunkel: Subscribe to ...
