Friday, July 12, 2024

Confusing the Language


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was pondering for a few moments the Tower of Babel, in God came down and altered the one language of the world to many, to keep a scientific project from being completed in what was called Bab El, or the Gate of God. Under Nimrod, they had accessed the old knowledge and had began to build a machine which would allow humans to project power structures which would allow them to open the door to being God. That is a rendering of this from the Lame Cherry which is what this word Babel means, it is not a door to another dimension or Heaven. They had begun the process to open a door to becoming eternal, not immortal.

Being me by the Holy Ghost, I like filling in the details with hard facts. So I did. I you look at the data, God apparently created in an instant 7741 languages, and I found a site that said there were about 12 million people in the world at this  time.

Meet you on the other side. That leaves you about 1550 people who would only speak the same language which is important if you are going to stop people from engaging something.

The State of the World's 7,168 Living Languages - Visual Capitalist

Jan 27, 2024 ... Today, 43% of the world's living languages are endangered. This graphic shows the state of all living languages around the world.

Understanding Extinct Languages: When and Why They Die Off

Nov 12, 2019 ... Currently, there are 573 known extinct languages. These are languages that are no longer spoken or studied. Many were local dialects with no ...

Think of some of the largest cities in the world, New York, Peking, Mexico City, and what it would be like in those millions of people, even in your location, of how hard it would be to find 1500 people who spoke he same language which you now did.

There were not mass communications, big billboards, nothing. It would have all been in hysteria, anger and frustration, attempted to be sorted out, as I honestly believe that only the children of Eber and other Semites probably had their family units remain intact, as God was going to disrupt the anti God peoples and that was most of the population as they were all agreed to or dictated to by Nimrod to be a part of this project which meant they would never need God again.

In pondering this the Holy Ghost gives me ideas which no one has ever contemplated and I'm always delighted in God's sense of caustic humor.

OK here is an illustration. You are someone who has it all, and this hot wife and nice kids like Ivanka Trump.

You got all this nice stuff, because you are powerful, are part of the system to replace God and this is the new world order.

Now God sees all of this, and remember what I said about God must have broken up families in language confusion, because if you left a base unit of a family intact, they would like .....oh Pierre and  Marie Curie be doing scientific stuff the same day and figuring a way around the language barrier.

So God must have taken people like that, made it so they could not communicate at all, alienated them, and after a few weeks, Ivanka hears some guy talking her language and she is delighted to hear someone she can communicate with and off she goes.

On the other hand, God is all knowing, in He knew that people in the same languages would be up to no good again immediately, so you know what a hot bod Ivanka know that God when this husband finally heard someone he knew...........that this is what the hell he was blinded by.

I mean you are bedding Ivanka. You have around you only intelligent and people of etiquette and when you find someone you can understand they are fat, stupid, ugly, obnoxious,and the polar opposite of everything you are, in their scent is a turn off, they are itching their butts and handing you a biscuit, and they want thee absolute opposite of everything you think.

I wonder honestly how many murders took place in this, how the population had to have dropped off as who wants to stick their willie into the things above even as a cum dump, as you are going to be stuck with these shrews and their shrewlings you father. Suicide must have prevailed along with hermits in caves just fleeing this horror.

That is how God did this end of the eternal man for almost 5000 years, as this is only becoming united now in the same type of dictatorial system of satanists who are erasing and replacing people and talking about mass genocide. We are in the Nimrod uncivilization again and it is all insane and that insanity was what was driving the world up to Babel. God broke it all, to the very core of personal relationships and you know that some brilliant mind like Einstein who figured this all out, was stuck with 1500 of the biggest fumduckers on the planet who thought booger picking was both a sport and a snack, the ultimate solution to entertainment and dinner.

I honestly believe that most of the Shemites were kept in viable groups like Abraham would be a part of Ur of the Chaldees, while the rest of these Hamites of the Nimrod line were able to keep their Canaanite deviances like genetic manipulation and authoritarianism intact until God removed Nineveh and Canaan, but the rest of the Hamites and Japhethites pretty much scattered as the memory of technological embers went out, as you have to know that just to make a sword, required knowing what raw metal to find and where, how to refine it, how to smith it, how to craft it, with the same fuel source needed, the need for knowing leather and how to work it.for sheaths, and even how to sharpen a blade and keep it. That is a host of skills for one object to survive and no one had the time or group to tap into Sacred Geometry and Physics, because you had fat ass Oprah and Michelle sitting on your face in trying to suffocate you in oral sex.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

