Sunday, July 21, 2024

Democrats shed an Imbecile for Incompetence


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being out of politics, it is of not much interest in the reality that the Biden DOJ failed to get rid of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, cancelled a public appearance in Nevada as that reality rattled Old Joe so much, that he had to quit the race. 

The fact is now that Joe Biden is not just a lameduck occupant of 1600 Penn, he is the Lyndonduck president in exact mirror image when Lyndon Johnon facing certain defeat over the Vietnam War, vacated the campaign, which opened the door for Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated which forced Vice President Hubert Humphrey as the nominee of democrats.....who went down in flaming defeat to Richard Nixon.

Let us be frank. Kamala Harris was the Obama choice for Joe Biden. She was a quadroon and meant to disappear for Big Mike Obama. Kamala Harris is weak, she is a prop and Obama Inc. refused to endorse her.

Former President Barack Obama did not immediately endorse Harris. “We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,”

The head birther just pealed away the Afroid vote from Harris in political blackmail. No matter the bullshit of a united front, from Nancy Pelosi's pet in law Gavin Newsome to Big Mike Obama, to Gretchen Whitmer, they are all in discussions in how to do what they just did to Joe Biden to Kamala Harris.

Newsome has time to plot his strategy, but the rest are in the shit now or forever get off the pot.

Joe Biden can not coronate Kamala Harris. She has to be nominated by an open convention. The Biden name on the ballot is now a legal problem in enough states for Harris to cause her even more problems. Just remember this, Joe Biden as president is someone who can destroy democrats who fuck with him. As of this moment, he is finished. He is a hollow bell ringing No one gives a shit what he says or does. He can not enforce one thing now.

“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” Biden posted. “And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.”

“I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination,” Harris said. “I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation — to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda,”

All of this goes global at the same time in everyone from NATO to the Eurasians are assessing how easy it will be to roll Kamala Harris, an what they can do, to leverage her or make things so she is defeated. Harris has no foreign policy status. She has been nothing but a disaster on the border and everything she has touched.

Those in the DNC are saying she is a prosecutor who will mop up Trump. No Kamala Harris is a flat back whore who spread her Willie Brown legs to rise to the top. Again, she has no substance and that is why the Obama's stuck this spare tire on the Biden ticket. She is meant to disappear.

The Clintons are playing this as shrewd as anyone in backing Harris, in knowing they are catering to the Afroid vote.......meaning yes, Hamrod wants to be coronated at the DNC to take on Trump again. You watch if Kamala Harris slips and you are going to see her joining Biden in 3rd place last at the DNC.

It is immensely hard as Hubert Humphrey gleaned in having to support your President, while not taking the blame for the fuck ups. It is hard to carve out your place when the guy  at 1600 Penn is still the gorilla in the room setting policy which makes you look bad when it is not what you are saying.

Kamala Harris will be sexposed at each day as a weak woman, trying not to look shrill as Americans exhale that they are rid of geezer Joe and then inhale the perfume of Kamala in knowing they just got rid of an imbecile for incompetence.

I do not see in the list of Kamala candidates any hope for her. She is basically going White Power to prop herself up.

I do not see Whitmer signing off on a two vagina ticket that loses. The Jew Shapiro just botched the  assassination drama. Mark Kelly is weird. North Carolina and Kentucky are GOP states swinging, and none of that helps Harris in November even in fraud elections.

.........and do not forget fraud elections as all these illegals voting, they are not prone to vote for a big assed quadroon.

southern Democratic governor like Roy Cooper of North Carolina or Andy Beshear of Kentucky, or another figure from a swing state, like former astronaut and Navy captain Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ). 

Other candidates have to be considered,” another operative said, as names like Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)

The ticket for the DNC is in worse position than with Biden. The focus now goes to the national ticket draining all funds away from the down ticket. The down ticket races were going to lose with Biden at the head, but the down ticket races are now weakened by Kamala Harris.

The reality is, with Kamala Harris, the public has someone they dislike more than Donald Trump.

I honestly do not believe that Big Mike Obama wants to get into this race anymore She is a major negative.  She is not a national or international candidate. Have her start speaking to the public and people will turn off.
She is not going to be second Negro to quadroon Kamala. Same with Hillary Clinton not going to go VP.

Let us face the facts in Newsome and Whitmer, along with other carpetbaggers are looking at 2028 AD in the year of our Lord. It is in their interest in Kamala Harris losing. Vote suppression in California or Michigan hands it to Trump, who will be gone in 2028 and they can then have a GOP with this Hillbilly Nazi in a fight with other candidates weakening the GOP. There are going to be immense bribes handed out by Kamala Harris to get the nomination and to keep the plotters in line for November.

If I were the Trump campaign, I would focus on one line, "Their incompetence got me shot". That is a fact. It will ring clear and there is zero comeback. Trump should let democrats waste their energy propping Kamala Harris up or cutting her down for their political ambitions.

If this flat backer is nominated, the campaign is simple, "Biden Harris brought you poverty and war. I will bring you again peace and prosperity".

Democrats got exactly what they wanted, along with the media and Hollywood pimps. They got rid of Joe Biden in their assassination by words. They now have cut off the only strength the Biden Harris ticket had in Joe Biden.

In reality, Kamala Harris needs to tap that 30% of the Never Trumper vote. If she could convince her trolls, Chris Christie as her VP choice would really be the best political strength she could muster.

Remember, Trump told Gun Owners and Protestant Christians to leave the building in his sodomite anti gun platform. Trump is not going Country music nor NASCAR. Trump went with a sodomite WWE wed base for this election. Harris with a big name GOP who hates Trump would make Trump pay dearly for telling Christians to go home along with gun owners.

Nuff Said
