Sunday, July 28, 2024

Kamala Harris in White Face


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry noted in the Obama regime how the Obama's kept getting whiter and whiter like some Animal Farm dress up, and upon noting that Big Mammy Kamala was in racism only considering White Penises for her Vice President, with quadroon Eric Holder examining all on the "snowflake white scale",  I was shocked to see the most recent photo of Kamala Harris in attacking JD Vance's loyalty to America, in Big Mammy has gone so white she looks like a fish washed up on the beach.

I did a comparison on this in Kamala White, JD Vance White and Donald Trump White, and as you can see, Donald Trump is the darkest person in the room, with JD Vance coming in second and Kamala Harris is the Whitest person in the room.

No matter the party from RFK II to anyone else, Kamala is now so White she looks like she just saw a ghost or found out Jesus is really going to Judge her for her sins.

Now Big Mammy does have White in her. There was her Irish slave owning forefather, but she has that Nigger Bombay going on and that Jamaica Nigger addition, as the word Nigger is British and described darkies whom Kamala is bred from.

I think Kamala's is not coming out of the DNA, but the Obama dispenser as she apparently is trying to fool White Democrats the way Hillary Clinton tried to fool Black Americans by taking Nigger to them.

The Lame Cherry states in being the most woke that I love Niggers. I just would think that Big Mammy would do Afroids a social justice favor in being darker than Donald Trump or JD Vance and not be like Birther and Michelle Obama who wore the White Face all the time.

As Kamala Harris is trying to fool people that she is White. Would it not be appropriate for the NAACP to ask Kamala Harris if she is using hair straightener, what kind o White Face she is putting on with a ladle and perhaps her Jewish husband could confirm in her nether answers if she really has black hair.

Could Kamala Harris really be a red head Irish mic spoofing us all for Affirmative Action, and has been been wearing Black Face all these year and Willie Brown never even suspected as she left the lights off and the covers up in their adulterous interludes.

Who you going to believe AI or Big Mammy with the red bush?

Nuff Said
