Wednesday, July 24, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In our woke age of DEI, why is it that Kamala Harris is getting a pass, that like Obama, her being a quadroon is enough colour and vagina for any ticket? Why is it that the DNC and Kamala Harris have eliminated ALL OF THE QUALIFIED WOMEN OF ALL COLOURS and ALL QUALIFIED MEN OF COLOUR, leaving only these pasty White Priv as the only Kamala, sexist, racist and masoginist choices worthy of her.

Barack Hussein Obama pulled this same shit in hiring White Priv. It was reprehensible that he was given a pass and repressed entire groups of Americans for White Priv.

Now here we have the same shit again. Kamala Harris is Obama White in a brown paper bag has more colour than her. She gets to prance and preen around with this carte blanche in violating every DEI objective with Dictator Biden has been implementing.

Where is the Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez candidates on this list?

Where are the men of colour Ruben Gullego, Ro Kahanna, Vince Fong on this list?

Why is it that Kamala Harris has a phobia against not pink vaginas and less than white penises?

Kamala Harris and this elite mob who have moved a coup against Dictator Biden are nothing but sexists, racists and misogynists who preach "White hatred" and when it comes to make choices, it is evident that they hate women of all colours and men of colour.

Nuff Said
