Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Perimeters of Trump


In back of this gate is a grass area, which is open to the "secure" area which had no barriers where Donald Trump and Americans gathered. In this frame is the "gate" in a chain link fence which is down and wide open, to which Secret Service "secured" it, by placing plastic tape over the opening. Thankfully Beaver County SWAT was not stopped in the crawled under the tape.
Beyond this gate is where Thomas Crooks fired rounds and was shot.

As you can see, the only thing between Thomas Crooks and Donald Trump was air. I think the next barrier was Lake Erie, 200 miles away. There was not any security.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting video by emergency services out of Butler PA, in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, with the murder and injury of others. While everyone is looking at the dead guy, the Lame Cherry was more interested in these uniform wearing security with backpacks, entered the speaking area from the left side, with people in the stands, came around back by the tents, and then in an open grass area, moved to a wire fence with a gate that had a hole in it,  big enough to crawl through, but it had yellow police tape on top of the hole.

I have put the video below to watch, but am more interested in background noise and the fact that no Secret Service are anywhere near this area, building or on the roof.

Meet you on the other side.



I noted a few time line events. This is about a 30 minute video, and we do not know how long of time has elapsed since Mr. Trump left the stage, we do know that on a hot day, the blood has dried on the roof from the dead shooter and no flies can be heard buzzing.

However long the lapse is, the first helicopter is heard taking off at around 6 minutes 35 seconds.  I assume this is a Marine One  evacuating Donald Trump to another hospital as was reported. Another sounds like it is coming and taking off at 7:20 which would be advance people and security.

The first sirens are not heard except in the distance at 8:51, which are probably police escorts moving the Trump security to his location.

A hand injury is reported by the officer of another officer.

Helicopter cover seems to flown from this point on, and probably the other injured are being taken by ambulance at the 18:12 mark.

The  group in the body cam do say something like, "I heard Trump was hit, but I don't believe it". Other than that for an assassination and mass shooting, it seems very calm and not at all like when JFK was shot in Dallas in 1963. It was like no one knew what was going on, and the PA police were focused on the crime scene in the Crooks position and were the ones who started bagging the 5 spent cartridges, and speak of a rangefinder and backpack.

It is not correct that a federal official is not at that location to supervise as this is a federal crime scene. Someone should have been designated to take control. Due to the lack of activity, it does not appear that there was any more activity in the stands were people were shot.

6:35  to 7:20 first helicopter take off

8:51 first ambulance siren

Hand injury 8:25

9:26 more sirens

10:47 more  helicopter chatter

12:44 more helicopter

13:31 more helicopter

14:05 flyover

14:05 sirens

15:08 more helicopter

16:46 more helicopter

18:12 more sirens

This is all just posting and recording data, for future analysis as something will appear to link with the above something which does not seem of importance now.

I did notice an oddity in this was a metal roof with slope. The police appear to be bagging up spent 223 casings in a pile. Firearms do not concentrate casings in a mall area, especially when slippery metal roofs with a slope are involved.

That is of interest.

Who knows how bad things could have been if 
Beaver County Swat had not been protecting everyone.

Nuff Said
