Sunday, July 28, 2024

The American Blood Bath


(OPINION) Ohio state Sen. George Lang (R) introduced Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, at a rally on Monday and flat-out declared the U.S. might need a second civil war in order to be “saved” if Trump is not reelected in November.

“Trump and Butler County’s JD Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country and it will be saved,” Lang said in a clip that quickly went viral online.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans are being pushed again toward something most of us do not desire in another world war or another civil war.  In all honesty history does repeat itself, as humans are the same animals.

\The problem is there are people on the right and left who are void of God, while pretending to have higher morals than the rest of us. There is a study which is revealing in it found that 33% of Democrats wanted Donald Trump dead and wanted the assassination to be successful. That sounds bad and is, but just remember there were 67% of Democrats who were just like you in not wanting anyone harmed.

What the study revealed are two significant realities. The first is that of this 55%  of the respondents group, judged Republicans to be white racists. Those who had this warped idea of Republicans were the same group who were that repulsive minority segment who wanted Donald Trump dead.

It is the second part of this which is the problem. In Carl Sandberg's examination of the Lincoln War year, made a statement about Americans South and  North. The masses had little idea about what was going on and were unplugged. It was the educated elite who were the one who were driving the conflict and hate with their high morals and calling the other side subhuman.

That is what this study found. The same Christophobes like Rob Reiner in his hatred of White Christians is the same as that political tripe of Kamala Harris clique who equate White People more dangerous than Global Warming.  The same rhetoric that Donald Trump is some threat to democracy. Maybe he is threat to mob rule, in those who use the mob to steal elections, but Donald Trump has proven only a threat to his Jan6 supporters whom he abandoned.

So we have a 33% group of Democrat who are in a nation of 320 million..............Biden says he got 81 million that is about 25 million people or this problem group is arond 8% of Americans.  Yes 92% of Americans are human and being afflicted by the 8% minority of these educated and affluent elites spewing their hatred.
This 8% is so vested in politics to validate themselves that it never occurs to them that Donald Trump is a person, with children, grandchildren, wife and yes friends who would be devastated by his death. This same group never conceives that there are 100 million armed Americans, who are not going  to meekly accept the LaVoy Finnicum and Ashli Babbitt treatment as murdering a national leader is a representative of each person in that mob, while those two example were just one of many armed in this mob.

It will never occur to this 8% that what they lust for has consequences for them until Atlanta is burned down by Sherman.

Meet you on the other side.

The concerning news is that a third of Democrats support the attempt on Donald Trump’s life. The good news is that the other two-thirds of party voters really do disagree. I used a concealed technique called a list experiment which found that even when they could disguise their true sentiment, a solid seven in 10 Democrats were pleased the assassin missed.

This raises the question of which kind of Democrat backed the killing of Trump. Support for the statement hardly varies by age, race or education, but is connected to ideology and partisanship.

When I asked whether respondents agreed with the statement “White Republicans are racist”, 55% agreed and only 20% disagreed. But particularly interesting, as illustrated below, is how tightly people’s answer to this question predicts whether they support Trump’s assassination.

This Meathead Reiner group is not like the Ashley Judd and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez group who have expressed human compassion and adult understanding in this affects all of us.This 8% group though is going to run into this group who are preparing and bracing for civil unrest. It is one thing to hide behind  the police state and  sic them on Jan6ers. It is another thing entirely when  the expressed response is a group which will fight as they have nothing left.

That is what we are being pushed into. People who are stating that if Trump does not win there will be a civil war and people who are saying that murder will keep them in power.

Personally as a Protestant Christian, I do not view people of the 8% as evil. I have geat sorrow for them in their wasted lives. I believe in Christ the Prince of Peace, Who will Judge all, and these people will be Judged for their hate and murderous lust. I don't want them murdered. I would that they would really wake up to humanity.

8% did everything they could to put Joe Biden in as dictator. 8% then did everything to perform a coup to get rid of him. Now in that 8% is a group who colluded to a Butler assassination and the rest of the 8% cheered it.

It does not matter who is conjured into Washington City as savior or dictator. as this is a minority of millions who have left humanity behind.

There are over 100,000 dead in Kiev by this 8% and over 100,000 dead in Gaza that both sides of this in America have been worshiping in the blood of high morals. What makes you think in what is going on that they will not relish in an American blood bath.

Nuff Said
