Monday, July 15, 2024

The Dealy Plaza of Pennsylvania


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is an assessment on the evidence of the Butler shooting.

This area should never have been agreed to by Secret Service. Without intending hysterics nor the Mockingbird which is cluttering this, this was Dealy Plaza.

The Lame Cherry will focus upon the shooter.

Meet you on the other side.

The shooter with a roll up ladder and a rifle of some sort, in the actual information is not forthcoming, somehow with law enforcement and locals wandering around, made it to this building, used the ladder to climb to the roof and then crawled to the edge.
The Secret Service knew this was a sniper location as they set up their shooters to cover this area. The correct protocol is to put people on the roofs of all locations as what took place proved you stop a shooter by taking away the location.

The shooter was right handed. He violated the first principles told to infantry troops in, "You are excited, shoot low as people do not hit what they aim at without training and experience".

The shooters adrenalin was flowing, he was tense. He was from an elevated postion, and the result was he not only pulled the first two rapid shots to the left, but did not compensate for elevation.

The 3rd shot is the one where he settled in. It was a good shot. It appears though what took place is Donald Trump moved, pointing to the right at a location, and turned his head. This saved Trump's life as the shot centered above his ear, when the head turned, instead grazed his ear.
If this was not the split second scenario, then the shooter was firing between Trump's eyes, an pulled the shot again and grazed the ear.

By this time Trump was moving, and the next two volleys went wild and lower, striking two innocents in the stands.

From the comments which are glow worms and other nasty people, the world is overflowing with sociopaths posting more CIA conspiracy theories and in ignorance stating things which are uninformed.

I will not add to the speculation as this is the crop of what has been taking place in America for years and each one of us is going to suffer and pay for the event in Butler Pennsylvania.

Nuff Said
