Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Holocaust Diaries


the masturbation messiah

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

An interesting thing went on the way to the American fraud elections, as there were 300,000 American invaders about to walk barefoot across Europe or ride in cattle cars to reach a concentration camp out of Nazi Kiev and the final solution will be enacted.

I think that is clear as the brains at NATO got this all figured out to pin Russia down by putting an army on the Belarussia border.

Thing is that the communist Chinese have landed troops in Belarussia which kind of neutralizes NATO and kind of neutralizes the Joe Biden 300,000 American woke troop election invasion of Russia.

NATO has positioned about 115,000 troops on the border of Belarus, hoping to force Russia to lock-in-place about 300,000 troops it has on the border of Ukraine.

Now that China has made its entry into the situation, Russia is now free to utilize those 300,000 troops along Ukraine's border without having to worry that NATO will enter Belarus.

This is a very big change in the balance of power in eastern Europe.  It seems designed to give Pause to NATO and to the West.

Observers say it will either achieve that goal, or perhaps trigger a much worse set of actions by the West.

I wonder how this all works out or sort of fits in, in Dictator Biden being the dick in Benjamin Netanyahu's hands, in opening up a war on the Russian southern front to prepare these holocaust diaries.

Kind of interesting that Bidencon was going to sacrifice 300,000 Americans, on top of the million Ukraine orthodox and probably 300,000 more Russians to keep Don Trump out of 1600 Penn again.

Now that the Peking army has like 100 million troops, that means that if the Dictator of 1600 Penn drafts all the White People in America into this election war, that America can be a glorious 60 IQ tanskin shit hole of like 300 million primate vermin in kind of Greater Shit Hole Latinoid.

I think this will work out, as the great dream of Shit Hole Latnoidia is to have a white geezer ordering them around, before a hose bag Kamala of their kind in a real Black Hole.

Nuff Said
