Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Middle Empire: The Slovak Bloc

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in m matter anti matter.

With the whispers of an East European War ringing in the ears of the nations who are going to have the revisitation of 2000 years of Roman, Muslim, Vatican, Polish, German and Russian wars obliterating their Slavic lands, reason is prevailing as a block of nations, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, a NATO non combatant nation, to extricate themselves from being a London Tel Aviv Kiev fodder people for a Greater Game rapine of the world against Russia.

For those who have no idea of past history or even recent history in years from 1941 to 1945 and after, the destruction of Reich armies and Soviet armies, followed by Communist Inquisition was a brutal rape of humanity. The Reich plundered these nations, the Soviets raped these peoples and the Communist enslaved all these peoples. These Slavs see what is happening in holocaust against Ukrainian Orthodox Slavic Christians and comprehend their time is coming.

These people are not the nuts of the Baltics, nor the Poles who have delusions that Americans will die for them, when they start he war. The Hungarians, Serbians, Slovakians all had Reich troops ruling their lands and all had Soviet hordes raping their women, men, children and livestock. They know that when a London Biden Kiev war breaks out against Moscow, that it will not contain in Ukraine and the Baltics. NATO will violate their lands and airspaces as expedient in a war and Russia will bomb those nations as it is war and when the land war comes it will be their lands which will be fought over in the same corridors which played out in 1944 in the Soviet pushing back of the Reich to Germany.

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Making Slavics the fodder as been acceptable London policy in two world wars they instigated with their Ashkenaz financiers. As last September is nearing, these Slavs are moving out of the NATO sphere and into the orbit of Moscow, as they are seeking to assure the Russians that they are not supporting thi attack on Russia. CIA Director Bill Burns has been walking this tightrope for all the Biden years, in being frantic in phone calls, disavowing attacks by Kiev on Russian soil. Yes the Russian fully know DC is behind this like London, but the effort is being made by the CIA to distance that part of America from what is being generated now to reinstall Joe Biden.

We now have 3 NATO members who are breaking with the Boyz from Brussels in they do not want to die for Greater England, Greater Tel Aviv, Greater Kiev, Greater France or Greater Germany, again.

The reality is, there is a pocket forming around Ukraine, where any American invasion force or anything else France goes Vietnam in, in throwing troops to the corpse pile,  is isolating a Polish communications to Ukraine for that American invasion force of 300,000. That line of communication being narrowed, absolutely places anything NATO appears with in Jeopardy There are not 5 Shengens to move American troops and supplies into Ukraine, there is only Norway and Amsterdam, as without a central and southern route, ,now cut off by the above group, NATO has shrunk to a front of 2000 miles, instead of 10,000 miles which Russia would have to guard.

NATO can not afford to start this war, and then just run roughshod over these Slavs or think that a war will pull them into the NATO fight. The Germans as well as the Russians learned a hard lesson when Romania feigned loyalty to Berlin in WW II when things looked bright, but when the Russians appeared on their border, Romania switched sides and started shelling retreating German lines.

Romania is now isolated, alone on the Russian south. Turkey is as treacherous as Romania in switching sides.

This White Zone of the Slovak Bloc will not fight, will impede NATO and Russia now has NATO pockets to obliterate if it comes to war. They will not have to deploy ground troops. They can eliminate all ships in the Baltic and Black Sea, as much as turn the lights out in Romania and Poland.

It is logical that for defensive purposes, Moscow will push their North Army forward to Estona, Latvia and Lithuania to occupy those areas, to secure Kaliningrad and then in those dug in positions dare NATO to attempt a land war to push Russia back.

The Russians have strengths. Two of their most important strengths are digging in like ticks into positions and taking severe losses and raining down artillery on enemy positions. Hence what is Ukraine. The Russians will unleash this all along the Polish frontier for scorched earth.

In short if this Biden war is begun, Russia will push millions of Polish refugees into central Europe, Romania and Moldova will capitulate. Italy will not allow itself to be a free fire zone as a southern front, so the war comes to the German border, as Finland becomes the same scorched earth and Sweden has second thoughts of being F 35 nuclear suicide bases to become as Finland.

This should set the stage for the reasoning in this, the establishment of the 5th Reich in Europe as they do not want to be radioactive death zone and this Slovak Bloc is what will stop this.

On this map, if Russia can not be stampeded in this shock, they will turn the tables on the Biden invasion in 72 hours and within a week, capture this invasion force by encirclement.

NATO or Biden can not fight a war with a Slovak Bloc having formed.

Holding Russia though in these occupational positions, means Russian forces are halved and will be of no use for the Obama Shift Chinese War in the Pacific.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
