Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Red Orchestra

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a situation which is going to evolve to more interesting realities, as the four years wasted by thee American Department of Justice and the FBI to hunt down the Americans set up on Jan6 for political intimidation is reaching a reality that the real threats to the District of Crooks has been allowed with open borders to invade America and special operation platforms in America as well as Europe, have undertaken guerrilla warfare against people and places which are a threat to Russia.

This is named the Red Orchestra.

 Warnews 24/7 has reported extensively on Russian operations against civilian infrastructure in Finland, including power plants, water treatment plants, information networks, physical infrastructure, healthcare infrastructure, municipal infrastructure, energy infrastructure and welfare facilities.

Our last publication was yesterday with the title: "Fears that B.Putin has activated the "Red Orchestra": Crescendo of massive breaches of critical security infrastructure in Finland!"

There has been a great deal of inside the loop sabotage against America in these Fauci plagues, food supply destruction and other sanctioned acts as in Boeing being destroyed, but this is not the Russians. What the Russians have been engaged in, was the detonation of the General Dynamics war production plant in Arkansas, where one person is missing, who may have been part of this forward team which Russia has had living in cells across America for decades.

The star of this show is General Andrei Averianov, a very poetic sounding name, but named to lead the special operations branch of the Russian military intelligence services in the GRU in Unit 29155 located in Moscow.

Russia watchers note that Moscow has been building up its hybrid warfare units for years. The most obvious sign of this, they say, was the ascension of a notorious spy commander, Andrei Averianov, to the top ranks of the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence, or “Aquarium,” as it was also known in the USSR years) in 2020.

Aquarium went operational in 2008 AD after the Bush43 betrayal of Russia, in which President Putin called George Bush a liar, as Bush promised NATO would not expand east. This is when the break took place and the Putin Medvedev leadership began implementing a military operational status, to send operatives into Crimea to assist it liberating itself from Ukraine under Kaganite Victoria  Nuland to assassinations.

GRU Unit 29155

The Unit is commanded by Maj. Gen. Andrei Vladimirovich Averyanov [d] and based at the headquarters of the 161st Special Purpose Specialist Training Center in eastern Moscow. Its membership has included veterans from Russian wars in AfghanistanChechnya, and Ukraine, identified as Denis Sergeev (aka Sergei Fedotov), Alexander Mishkin (aka Alexander Petrov), Anatoliy Chepiga (aka Ruslan Boshirov, a Hero of the Russian Federation, Russia's highest honor), Sergey Lyutenkov (aka Sergey Pavlov), Eduard Shishmakov (aka Eduard Shirokov), Vladimir Moiseev (aka Vladimir Popov), Ivan Terentyev (aka Ivan Lebedev), Nikolay Ezhov (aka Nikolay Kononikhin), Alexey Kalinin (aka Alexei Nikitin), and Danil Kapralov (aka Danil Stepanov)

There is a symbiotic relationship in this in the Russian military moves with another Russian General who was named Deputy Defense Minister in Yunus Vevkurov.

If you remember the Clinton scheme to established a Muslim colony on Serbian Christian lands in Kosovo by blowing up Yugoslavia to get an oil pipeline built out of the Mideast, and a certain Waco Baby Burner in General Wesley Clark who tied to start a world war by blowing up Russians in Kosovo, the man at the center of this was Russian peacekeeper, General Vevkurov. In a most daring move, he marched his men at night, to take over the airport in Kosovo before NATO could seize it.

This man gets things done, from stabilzing areas of Russia that MI6 and the CIA tired to move to civil war using Chechnya as a springboard to surviving a mass assassination attack on his entourage, where he survived his head literally being smashed by a bomb.

It is this duo who travels to Africa as the controlling force now for what Wagner Musicians were engaged in before the Maestro was assassinated. What Wagner created was a foreign gold for Wagner security protection profit margin for Russia. This commerce is now successfully running operations all across Europe and the United States, including the Havana Syndrome operation using sound weapons on American operatives in testing.

It should be noted that what this Unit is engaged in, is not targeting the civilian populations to terrorize the public. No, the GRU understands that Russia will benefit when the American and European gulags are opened up, and the mob rises up in this police state void to neutralize the war which is being instigated before it begins.

Yunus Bek Vevkurov

He was appointed as a Deputy Defence Minister by President Putin on 8 July 2019

The map below shows where the GRU special unit has been operational in disruption and sabotage. What is of interest in this is, that this is not the FSB oriented operation, which is where President Putin arose from to lead Russia. Those assets are not apparently being utilized. This is of the Spetsnaz forward operations group. It is that group which pre positions nuclear warheads in the West. In the Cold War they positioned arms, materials and operatives all through Europe. All of this went away with Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, but has all reappeared in force in these woke regimes moving to holocaust Russia.

The Russian military is highly gifted in infiltration, so much so that the FSB and KGB are not part of these operations, and instead is the Russian military intelligence who literally just took out the main production line of anti tank weapons to be used against Russia in the Biden planned for invasion of Russia to save his doomed dictatorship.

Without anti tank weapons to take on the Russian forces in Ukraine to drive them into the Crimea, this falls then to the American NATO F 35's and helicopters, and they are not a match for the Russian S 400 systems on station.

Russia is preparing the September battlefield. By actions it has concluded that the American 300,000 invasion force will make this a land war, and it will come down to what it came down to, the last time the Donbass was battled over, and that was tank formations moving at speed,  which was the German and Russian battle of 1944 AD in the year of our Lord.

Russian actions signify it knows the drones will not take out their tanks, American air power will not provide cover, so this comes down to anti tank weapons, and as the United States retired all of it's effective anti tank artillery for expensive missiles, this is assessed the Achilles Heel of NATO in now to destroy any NATO invasions.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. As the DC police state could not stop this Arkansas operation in not knowing it was activated, the projection is that in time the GRU will engage in a number of nullifying the woke police states in the West, so the mob populations will become active as a resource.

Nuff  Said

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