Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump Gets Shot and Vance Appears and Biden Disappears


As recently as this weekend, Trump was calling people and asking what they thought of him picking Rubio, two people familiar with the calls said. Despite aggressive lobbying on his behalf, the Florida senator told people for more than a week that he did not think Trump would ultimately pick him.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The shortest distance to the Truth is the waymark event of Butler Pennsylvania, as all things changed in this world after that event.

Before the event, Marco Rubio was the Vice Presidential pick. Homo hedger Paul Singer had rigged the RNC and elections to stop Trump if his candidate was not chosen. Joe Biden was in cement as the DNC nominee.

It all changed after the event as what rose to control was Peter Thiel, Elon Musk and JD Vance.

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The key in this is a Jewish representative in the katska, lying Vance to Florida in an apparently deal Donald Trump did refuse.

Vance flew to Trump’s club in Florida this weekend on the private plane of the former president’s friend Steve Witkoff for a private meeting, before Trump’s Saturday rally in Pennsylvania was cut short by what authorities are investigating as an assassination attempt.

Witkoff was born to a Jewish family in the Bronx and raised in Baldwin Harbor, New York

The fact is NO ONE wanted JD Vance, except that twirpy Frankenstein Don jr and his booby thing he cleaves to.



Vance prevailed with Trump despite some intense lobbying against him. Kellyanne Conway, who served as a senior counselor to Trump during his first term, pitched Rubio or Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin as a vice-presidential option that could help the GOP nominee politically while allowing Vance to continue serving as a key Trump ally in the Senate, two people familiar with the matter said.

Major Republican donors opposed Vance because they viewed his inclination toward economic populism as hostile to their model of small-government, free-market conservatism. In recent weeks, Trump met with GOP billionaire and hedge fund manager Paul Singer, who had donated to Nikki Haley during the primary. Asked by Trump about his vice-presidential nominee, Singer expressed a preference for a pick who was not Vance, according to two people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to relate the private recommendation.

Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin also pushed for an alternative to Vance. “President Trump has many good choices for Vice President, and I appreciate the thoughtful deliberation of the President and his team,” he said in a statement.

We know now for certain there were more than one sniper at Butler. We know except or a fluke, the RNC was going to be finding a new leading candidate with Mr Trump no longer viable, with JD Vance as the VP no matter what.

We know that the majority of shooters were not even firing at Mr. Trump, but into the crowd or shooting derricks so leave evidence to blackmail FBI and SS who lied in stating only one sniper was present.

Appearing on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, the Republican senator said, “Was it one rifle? Was it more than one? I’ve seen some pretty interesting video on the internet by experts that does certainly call into question what the FBI is telling us about a single shooter.”

We know Joe Biden did not have COVID and fled Nevada as he was presented after this an offer he would not refuse and fled the election.

The projection is that key element in Bidencon, Obama Inc, Bush fam sought to remove Deserter Don. When this failed, the group in DIA backing Mr. Trump laid down the gauntlet that it would be their way.

We know Mosaad was planting stories about Iranian assassination plot and flying by katska jets their ZIOLOTHIC, Vatican and Tel Aviv Hillbilly Nazi to make Mr. Trump pick Vance.

Mr. Trump is now only appearing in buildings. That means this is not over as the original elements are still operational and will attempt to boost this as someone else is entering the drama who has a history of people not living very long when in contact with this couple.

‘She’s Running’: Hillary Clinton Tells DNC Grandees It’s ‘Her Turn’ To Beat Trump

This is still sorting out on the RNC and DNC sides.

Nuff Said
