Tuesday, July 2, 2024

When NATO Collapses

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who have a grazing pasture of history, it is a common understanding that the German Reich Wehrmacht had a great respect for the skill of General George Patton as they could not predict what he would do, as he combined mobility with a perfect unity of infantry, tank, artillery and air cover.

It will come as surprise though to even the most well read of German historians of World War II, that there was another American General who the Germans venerated with great respect. It was for the exact opposite reason though of General Patton, in this American General was the greatest tactician in the necessary art of withdrawal. There is a vast difference between retreat and withdrawal. When General Robert E. Lee of Virginia Confederate States engaged in his 1865 AD in the year of our Lord campaign of moving out of Richmond in the Wilderness Campaign against General Grant of the Federals, it was a savage stalemate of a crushing northern army, moving by the left flank of the Army of Northern Virginia in a murderous dance, which the smaller force of General Lee was never vanquished in a superb disciplined withdrawal against overwhelming forces. The only reason Robert E. Lee surrendered was he had 4 Union armies surrounding his command and he could not longer move.

This is what the German Eastern Front was in the Reich in World War II, was not defeated by the Soviets. They were checked when they ran out of supplies. This then forced the Wehrmacht to engage in a slow strategic withdrawal to protect the Fatherland meaning their women from mass rape by Soviets.

What is happening in Ukraine his historically telling, because what NATO and Russia are fighting over are thee exact same grounds.Donbass, Kursk, Kharkov are all places which massive battles took place on the Eastern Front. Kiev appeared as a last salient for Germany.

In the memoir of General Melanthin of Germany, he states things that this myriad of Jewish historians have churned out as experts in World War II, and those works are incorrect in numbers of cases and completely ignorant in all.

When General von Manstein finally convinced Adolf Hitler to allow a withdrawal, the General set a trap for the Soviets and they flowed into this salient and Manstein cut them off and killed them. The Russians were wary of everything for months. This was a strategic defensive victory.

The Germans would never  have the resources for another  venture like this, but they continued a stinging withdrawal before the Soviet millions which the Soviet's had to push for every inch. This was one of thee greatest combat victories in what this disciplined military achieved.

The illustration below will assist you to understand what the Reich was engaged in, in this  defensive operation. To understand this, after the eastern Ukrainian front was withdrawn from to defensive positions the first line was the major river through Kiev in the River Dnieper, the most formidable natural barrier in the east. The Germans knew they had lost, but fought for protecting Germany, and once they were forced back fro the Dnieper, the next line was the River Dniester.

For the layman this looks all  like using rivers as positions, but the Germans had something more at work as this was a strategic plan. The Wehrmacht had fallen back to the SECOND LINE of defense of Germany, and in that line they were drawing the Soviets, in  something Moscow should never have engaged in, because at the head of the Dniester River are the Carpathian Mountains of Poland and Romania.  Mountains were a natural fortress and that is where the Germans wanted Russia to pursue them into so Germany would have the edge against overwhelming odds.

The greatest and last tank battle in World War II took place in the Carpathians between the Wehrmacht and the Soviets. The Soviets pushed the Germans finally out of the mountains, but the Germans were not done as they were now on the frontier of Prague and the  last line in the River Elbe in Germany.

It would be at the Elbe that the Americans and Russians would meet, as the last German resistance was about to pull down Berlin on themselves in a hellacious price to the Russians. All of this so the leaders of Germany could escape  to South America with billions in gold and buy their way to exile with American support.

The reason all of this matters is, there is not a NATO army capable as the German in discipline, because if Russia ever does venture forth in to Europe, they will roll over these German positions and NATO will attempt to hold at the Prague line. The south line will not be a barrier as Serbia will welcome Russia and Italy will capitulate. After Russia pulverizes the Prague line in the river there,  NATO will not be withdrawing but in full scale retreat and route. They will attempt with their pedo fags to hold at the Rhine, but Russian will turn it into blood.

What will remain the are pockets in those moving into Switzerland and the indefensible in a box in France.

If Russia will move before Prague falls, to land a tank and helicopter force on Jutland, this would collapse the entire NATO front as General MacArthur did the North Koreans with the Inchon landing. This is a vital stroke the Bavarians Seers never saw, as just as Russia has a scorched earth doctrine if they are about to be defeated, NATO via America will attack with hybrid radioactive biological WMD's to kill the Russian army in the French frontier.

What the Germans accomplished was masterful. It bought time for the German leadership to perform their own withdrawal to occupy conglomerate finance as the 4th Reich. Millions of Germans faced an Eisenhower and Stalin holocaust in the peace which the Wehrmacht won, as their hope was the Christian West would be Christian and not the same brutality of the oriental east.

The Confederate Americans did not fare any better in Lincoln's Holocaust of the South,complete with Jewish carpetbaggers seizing Southern property than the Germans did in disciplined effort of General Robert E. Lee. That past will visit again in the future  as no one has an appreciation of the lands which are now in war, and the necessity of one thing which NATO does not have and that is the ability to withdraw before Russia.

General von Moltke the German General of the Franco Prussian War was once told that he would be named with Frederick the Great and Napoleon as the greatest of  generals. He immediately corrected the person praising him in stating that he had only advanced with victories, he had never engaged in a strategic retreat, the greatest of all commands in being under fire, keeping your lines in place from flight and obtaining an objective of holding off defeat by stubbornly giving up ground.

The last American General who was one of the best in the world was Robert E. Lee in withdrawal of forces. That was 180 years ago. There are no Americans with that ability, and absolutely none in Europe. When NATO collapses in combat, it will be a rout like the English at Dunkirk across the European front.

No one is talking about this with their super weapons and technology, but mark the coming reality that no one in the West has any ability to hold defeat at bay with the world hanging in the balance.

NATO will never be the Imperial Japanese at Okinawa.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

