Sunday, July 14, 2024

Yes the Left can use Trump's Surging Poll Numbers to Force Biden out

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On Saturday night, media was reporting that Donald Trump fell, that it was really a glass cut on his ear and that this was not really an assassination.

12 hours later, ABC of the CIA with all the other media which has clamped down tighter than Pyongyang on information, making certain it is vetted before it is released, Donald Trump's assassination is big  profit business.

In looking at this, Mr. Trump must have seen the light and agreed to the terms which he had rejected on Saturday, concerning what was coming at the RNC.

In this information crackdown, we barely know who was murdered in the volunteer Fire Department Chief of Butler, and have no idea who the two others are in critical was a woman, now is a man. The narrative is in tight control, save for the fringe flinging shit against the wall in glow worms and trolls.

What I desire to challenge already is, the Lee Harvey Oswald rifle paraded before the public. All we know, an no rifle was seen in the former White House photographer who got that head shot, the AP got the Trump fist pump, and it seems like all the dinosaur media was in just the right position for epic poses......while the pool reporters were chosen for being the biggest fucktards on the planet in none of them saw a thing to report. Somehow that looks like a sanitized environment to control a narrative before it happened.

The Lame Cherry will repeat. If you ask any hunter, recreational shooter or competitive shooter, if they wanted to make a kill shot, which weapon would they choose? The AR 15 would not be on the list. These are hideous, close range, combat weapons. The  shooter was said to be at 150 yards or 400 feet. Open sites are not the type to acquire a target at that range. There had to be a scope involved, and yet, we have no photo of this weapon. Just the ATF statement the father owned this firearm.

In reality, the 223 is at it's potential at 150 yards.  All we know is this was a "like AR 15" which translates it was one of the cheap knock offs, a Saturday Night Special", and in most cases worthless for hitting anything not shitting on your gun barrel.

So we have no information in this black out. We are all told lock step by democrats who hate Trump that we are all now Americans, which is of interest in how they can keep a straight face and not expect lightning to strike as we have been told that we are not all Americans, but are insurrectionists and terrorists if we are White.

If Donald Trump had not turned his head, we would now have this week, the power brokers, in the Bush family and Peter Singer, choosing who the nominee would be. There was a great deal of silence on the GOP, except for George Bush weighing in on this, again a man who loathed Trump, but now adores him. That is of interest in who the Republican delegates would have been threatened into choosing.

That is of interest in who they had planned to stick Republicans with. That is not going to be examined as in all of this, as we have no information for the first time in all the news cycle history 12 hours that Donald Trump really was not assassinated yesterday, until the CIA issued orders for the media to provide the laurels for what we already knew happened with Donald Trump in Pennsylvania.

Do not get sucked into this. Just observe how it is playing out. Look at how the BBC just happened to have the best eye witness behind the rally, and with all honesty, MI6 has informed Americans that we can not trust the American police state as they just provided the Dealy Plaza for another assassination to change American politics. Yes why would the BBC be at the just wander around behind the rally where an event would take place and interview the witness.

I suppose that the Secret Service guy looking like Hunter Biden was a coincidence too.

I will repeat in do not get involved in this.

Nuff Said
