Sunday, August 11, 2024

Bitch Slap to War

Yeah it's a bad day. Your's day is coming.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being poor from non donors, not having time in trying to survive, I have not had time to be Inspired as to what the meaning is of these headlines.

The reason they are important is Tel Aviv and DC are doing every cursed thing possible to get a military response from Moscow and Kiev, and the restraint of Moscow and Kiev is most interesting, as it begs what does Russia know is coming, that if they wait out the US elections and the economic problems, they will not have to fight a battle with NATO over Ukraine or Iran.

There is something out there which is big. The Russians are not afraid.. They are very quiet. They are not nuke rattling nor is Iran. Iran is showing absolute calm and this is beyond Tel Aviv nuking them. There is something in this which Russia knows and is guiding Iran now too.

This does not mean that the obvious in these fraud American elections are not in control of the Biden, Harris, Obama agenda to stoke this into two wars before the election to install Big Mammy. Both Bidencon and Putin know a collapse is coming. Donald Trump stated a depression is coming to America.  Russia is restraining itself and Iran with purpose now, when they are being goaded by terror acts.

Aerial View Of Uke HIMARS Wiping Out Russian Troops

Ukes Blow Up Russian Black Sea Rig - About 40 Killed
Many Videos Show Residents Begging Putin For Help

Ukraine Blows Up Russian Gas Rig In Black Sea Killing
40 Soldiers & Wiping Out Recon HQ In Massive Explosion

When Will Putin Take The Gloves Off And End The War?
Kiev’s Invasion And Attack On Russian Civilians Continues
Putin Calls It A Large Scale 'Provocation'

Iran Leader's Order To 'Harshly Punish' Israel Will Be
Carried Out, Guards Deputy Chief Says


Iran Seeks To Avoid Harming Gaza Cease-Fire Talks
With Retaliation For Haniyeh Murder - (What Talks?)

The projection is that Russia and Iran are going to have two very punishing months ahead, Moscow will be hit hard and Iranian interests will too. It is in this projection that a large event will be instigated to blame Iran to enable a response from the District of Crooks. We already saw Mosaad massaging Butler PA into an Iran attack for this purpose. There will be others.

As I told you long ago the headline below, you can add the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, the murder of George Custer and his command, thee assassination of the beloved William McKinley who Obama desecrated by taking off McKinley's name from that mountain in Alaska, the attempt on Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan are all the same group.

The Same People Who Killed JFK And Removed Nixon
Are Behind The Attempted Assassination Of Trump

It is the long game.

Nuff Said
