Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blood with an AI of it's Own

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the first autopsy I witnessed, I never get used to seeing humans dealt with like a sack of potatoes. It disturbs me in empathy I feel things.  I look at the dead Tom Crooks, and in looking past the gore, I see a serene sleeping child, which slaps to the face the violent end this human met.

It is sobering, but in this age of AI generated evidence, it has to fall to the individual to review data and compare. That is what is going to be conducted here in an examination of gore or blood prints, and then you can decide the conclusion.

What we begin with is the photo above in the Base Crooks Photo which we have all seen in cops on the roof with a dead body with blood on the face. What I was Inspired to do is enlarge that blood trail on the face, mirror it, move it 90 degrees so that it will "mirror" the police photo of Tom Crooks in a face identity picture.

The Lame Cherry will further manipulate this picture in the next photo to rotate it 16 degrees right so the head angle matches so it will be easier to compare the blood trails on the face.

Now we know this is the same side of the face, because if you look at the little red arrow, one can  see tree leaves in the background. The cop photo has the face turned toward the camera with trees in the background and this then matches the forensic facial ID photo.

Now what do you see. Look at the 3 red blood trails. Do they match?

Are they on the same place on the side of the face?

Do the blood trails have the same width and design?

The photo on the left shows at least an inch gap between the hair line and the blood trail. The photo on the right has no such pronounced effect.

The bottom blood trail is much  narrower on the left picture than the right.

The blood in the left photo is not oxidized in it is bright red, while the right photo the blood has crusted and dried.

There is red blood smear on the neck in the right photo and none appear to be on the neck in the left photo from long distance.

As the body was not moved from one side to the other, the blood would not have continued to seep out to change blood patterns.

The lower blood trail on the left photo appears to be lower to the jaw line while the photo on the right the lower blood trail appears to be higher on the cheek.

In the first photo with the cops, Crooks body appears to be on his left side, the face ID appears to show Crooks on his right side.  Crooks exit wound was said to have come out the lower left side of the skull behind the ear. The body position would have blood pooling and pumping to the back of the head not the front, and as we have right left views "apparently" there should on the right side not be a not quite mirror image of the blood trails, but a right face side covered in blood

This does not conclude to be a match, but it is a rudimentary close match. The theory is that for some reason an AI created a matching type illustration which glancing at it, appears like it, but in close inspection it is not.

These things are for you to examine and decide in an era of evolving great deception.

Like clones, there are always anomalies in AI creations.

Nuff Said
